Here’s the direct YouTube link, though the latest issue of the accompanying comic can only be found on the official website.

  • Prophet Zarquon
    1 year ago

    Aren’t the TAS episodes literally the TOS scripts they didn’t get to do?
    Notably “the soft weapon”…
    (Are those Caitians? No, Kzinti!)

    Anyway, given that it’s the original cast doing the voice acting, I like to think of TAS as “the rest” of TOS.
    Star Trek TOS: 3 seasons
    Star Trek TAS: 2 seasons
    Star Trek TNG: 7 seasons
    Star Trek DS9: 7 seasons
    Star Trek Voy: 7 seasons
    Star Trek Ent: 4 seasons
    Star Trek Dis: 4 seasons
    Star Trek ST: 2 seasons
    Star Trek Pic: 3 seasons
    Star Trek LD: ≥4 seasons
    Star Trek Pro: ≥1 season
    Star Trek SNW: ≥2 seasons

    Hmm, what’s next? A DS9+Ent crossover show, to round out the “peak Trek nostalgia” lineup?

    Personally, my pick would be to see a crew of scrappy Terrans find their way to the good lucky universe, rather than “Starfleet Academy” kids… We have Prodigy for that?