I’m struggling to find the motivation and focus. Do you guys have any tips?
this has only worked for me a few times but during lectures id open a Word doc and type out anything worth noting
I mean this is literally note taking but it took me way too long to figure out lol
also sometimes id focus so hard on taking notes that I missed the next thing my professors talked about ADHD strategies really are just a bag of pros and cons and its frustrating
I have to literally isolate myself from anything that can distract me. I’ve noticed that pressure from a looming deadline helps, but that’s not very healthy. What really gets me is the motivation to actually study, but I have been getting some good results with putting those ambient music or sounds on noise canceling headphones. For motivation, it’s hard. The mindset of “might as well” seems to work but is hard to get into the habit of doing. I have long commutes to school and if I’m bored I might as well look over my notes on my phone then be bored. Sometimes I just have a “blah day”, which is literally a day I just won’t get anything productive done if I don’t have to. And that’s ok, we tend to burn out quickly so it’s good to listen to our bodies. But I hope this helps!
I find that sometimes I know that I’m not going to get anything done and its healthier to try again later
other times it’s later and I really have to get said task done
ambient music is a must-have for me, especially in combination with Pomodoro
there’s a lot of factors for me:
- diet, if i’m on a sugar rush or binge i can’t focus
- activation energy and flow state, if i can just start and make progress i know i can slip into a more focused mode. if i’m constantly flicking between work and distractions i’ll stay distracted.
- environment, i discovered i work much better in a cafe around others compared to just in my room. bonus points if there’s a friend who i can sit with.
- having a plan, just studying for the sake of studying doesn’t work for me. knowing what i want to achieve and having mapped out what i need to do to get there helps me focus. it lets me know how far i’ve come - and feel good about that.
hope that gives some inspiration!
moving to different environments has always been so helpful to me. I actually figured this out by having detention in high school. Sometimes I would even go to detention even though it wasn’t required of me.