Idk how unpopular this opinion is considering how popular they are generally and how accepted oil money has become, but I really really dislike PSG and every loss they suffer fills my heart with happiness.

Part of it is the way they treat their players, they’re just an incredibly toxic club. And it’s annoying how they sign a new 11 every goddamn year.

  • tun
    9 months ago

    Newcastle is also owned by oil money. Isn’t it?

      29 months ago

      Manchester City, Chelsea, Sheffield… There are many more clubs with sketchy as fuck owners (or previous owners) who made their money exploiting other human beings. I’m glad there are some leagues with actual rules against these sort of things but in France and especially England it’s a free for all where I’m pretty sure Osama Bin Laden and Stalin could have co-owned Everton or something as long as they promised to invest enough (blood) money.

      19 months ago

      Yes, they are. So this isn’t the great feeling I have annually when PSG fails in the CL. I will say that Newcastle is run incredibly well now with a good plan for identifying talent that matches their play and without splashing a TON of money. That isn’t to say half the players they bought would have gone there without that oil money, or that they could have spent that money without it being from an oil state; but they have spent much less than PSG or City.

  • @williams_482A
    119 months ago

    I agree, except when they play Newcastle, who are less far along in their sportswashing project and whose owners are even worse. The fact that PSG are so incompetently run is definitely a good thing; Newcastle’s ownership appearing to be good at this an extreme disappointment.

    Every Newcastle win makes the world a sadder, more dangerous place.

    39 months ago

    I don’t see Mboop staying much longer. Question is if RM will take him because it seems they’ve already planned well for life without.

  • Skybreaker
    29 months ago

    I’ll admit, I used to like PSG. But that was only because my favorite player was on their team: Messi. But the way the PSG supporters treated him definitely soured me towards the team. Now, I revel in their defeat.

    19 months ago

    Except this time, I was actually hoping for a decent PSG team But going to Newcastle with only 2 midfielders, 4 forwards that can’t track back for the team, it was a sure failure from the start I hope they can get back on their feet for the next match