Hello and welcome everyone. You may or may not recognize my username from around the /r/TorontoBlueJays subreddit. I was mostly a dedicated lurker, but I would occasionally post in the game day threads. I created this community a few days ago as a placeholder for the /r/TorontoBlueJays Reddit mods, in the event they wanted to use this to migrate to if Reddit goes the Digg route. To my surprise there are already 28 subscribers here!

I have never moderated a subreddit before, let alone create one from scratch, so there will likely be some growing pains unless some of the old mods want to jump in and can throw me a life saver. I’m currently working on setting up a bot to post game day threads, but that is likely still weeks away. In the meantime, I will manually post pre/live/post game threads, but even that may not be completely reliable. Any help there is appreciated, if a thread hasn’t been posted yet feel free to create one and start the discussion.

I did message the mods at /r/TorontoBlueJays, and received a reply from /u/DirtyThi3f that the mods had not yet discussed any plans thus far for moving forward post Reddit, other than the already established Discord channel. I love Discord, but I personally wanted more of a Reddit style forum/board for posting and discussion at a slightly slower pace, that doesn’t bury old information immediately with the new.

If anyone here has any experience modding and wants to help please reach out, I will take all the help I can get. Feel free to post any tips/suggestions you may have for the community, and if anyone has any coding/graphic design experience that they’d be willing to donate some of their time for that would also be immensely appreciated.

I look forward to talking Jays with all of you here!

  • zipperhead@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Thanks for creating this. It seems like lemmy.ca is the most logical place for a Jays spot. Will be interesting to see how this plays out!