Highlights: One of the defining features of the rise of American neofascism is violence. This is in no way surprising: violence is one of the primary tools that enemies of democracy use to impose their will, undermine institutions, and prevent the types of consensus-seeking that’s foundational to a healthy democracy and society. Contrary to what right-wing leaders and their disinformation media would like to suggest, this violence is not on “both sides.” The data and other evidence show that political violence and extremism in the Age of Trump (and from the late 1980s to the present more generally) is a phenomenon almost exclusive to the right-wing and “conservative” movement.

National security experts and law enforcement are continuing to warn that right-wing political violence as seen on Jan. 6, in mass shootings and other acts of terrorism, hate crimes, and other such actions – up to an including the possibility of a sustained insurgency to remove President Biden and the Democrats from power – is the greatest threat to the country’s domestic safety and security.

    • badaboomxx@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      You are assuming many things. Is like me assuming that you will shoot someone because you are deranged.

      But the fact is that many people who has mental health problems have access to guns, and many people who are criminals also have access. You think that by removing the right to people who is in those 2 groups the government would take yours too, that is simply insane, you are just like any other conservative that only think in absolutes, because your group is willing to remove rights from others and justify it so hypocritical that is not funny.

      Yhr issue is the same, ate one of those 2 groups? And for the way you write I think you are.

      Lol, you vote democrat riiiiight. If you were doing that you’d understand why they want to remove criminals and insane people for owning a gun, but your group of sociopaths are more concerned on keeping your toys than the lives of people. That is why conservatives suck, and no matter what, your lies are easily disproved.

      Just compare the amount of shootings to other countries that have more guns per capita, and understand that a gun is a responsibility.

      • intensely_human@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        It’s not only the fear that the categories of people will expand beyond “mentally ill” and “criminal”, to also encapsulate “people who didn’t vote for me” or “people who aren’t government officials”.

        It’s not only a matter of the law’s scope expanding to new categories. It’s also a matter of agents of the law, or private enemies of other private people, deliberately framing people who aren’t in those categories, as being in those categories.

        Like to get a sane person’s guns taken away, is it easier to change the law to allow for taking sane people’s guns, or to simply work to apply the label of “insane” to the person whose guns you want?

        I think the latter is more what people are worried about. It worries me too. I’ve been described as mentally ill because I believe in a right to be armed, and for disagreeing with people on all sorts of other topics as well.

        It’s scary to see (a) people arguing for taking away crazy people’s guns and (b) those same people calling me crazy more and more casually as the years go by.

        • badaboomxx@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Why would that be? And even so, I o ly see the conservatives doing that.

          I mean only the conservatives are trying to remove rights, many democrats use guns byt don’t display them like the conservatives. And that is not the issue here, claiming that the law can change the definition is stupid, because we only see people with mental health problems doing the massacres.

          Basically for conservatives is more important to keep guns for criminals and people with mental health problems than the lives of innocents. That is insane.

          Lol, being called insane is not the same as being diagnosed. So you are just afraid of having a mental health problem, but you do not have any empathy for people losing their lifes because of insane people kill them… way to have priorities there man.

    • intensely_human@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      Some people, when you present them with counterexamples to their model of how the world works, simply assume you are lying.