I’m not presently working but I trained, and worked as, a software developer. I struggle a lot with work and my working life has been very chaotic due to shit mental health. It seems like a really stupid idea, as being a chef is meant to be really stressful. However, the idea of it being fast-paced, immediate, physical, intense, sensory seems really really appealing to me.

I’m sorry if this isn’t a lot of information to go on. I’m trying to reduce details, partly for privacy’s sake, partly because if I don’t wind myself-in this could be a novel long.

  • nxdefiant
    11 months ago

    I know a person who went the other way. Fine dining chef for years to world class software dev, and they constantly remind themselves that as bad as it can get, it’s still not a kitchen.

    If your not working right now anyway, it’s a perfect time to experiment if you have the financial means to support yourself while you do