My program is small enough that in TS/JS I’d normally just store the data in some global variable to be access from whatever elsewhere in the app. But with Rust from what I can tell this doesn’t seem to be a common practice. How should i handle this?

More specifically, I need to:

  1. program start, fetch data from my db (DONE)
  2. store this data somehow somewhere
  3. access said data (for read only in this use case)

Thanks for any insights here!

    1 year ago

    I would consider just passing along the data directly to the functions that need access to it, rather than storing in a global state. If passing each piece of data along as separate parameters is a bit much, you can always create struct Context { ... } which keeps tracks of whatever you need and pass that around.

    Nothing wrong with using OnceCell as suggested, but I’ve found that passing it as an argument feels a bit better.