I’ll start - S02E09 Measure of a Man

This is my favorite TNG episode for a couple of reasons. First, it shows that they didn’t need amazing effects and set pieces to drive the story - most of this ep consists of the actors sitting in a single set and talking, yet the story is still fantastic and the episode is riveting.

Next, this is my favorite because Data is my favorite Star Trek character overall, and I feel this episode is a key piece of his character’s development.

  • AngrilyEatingMuffins
    51 year ago

    Maybe, “The Drumhead”

    Even in a culture as utopian and idyllic as the Federation one must be vigilant about the eternal threat of fascism.

      • AngrilyEatingMuffins
        41 year ago

        An ambassador aboard the Enterprise is revealed as a spy. At the same time an event happens with the ship that was possibly sabotaged.

        If you don’t remember past that I really suggest watching it!

        • Narrrz
          31 year ago

          ohhh yes, with the inquisitor lady who gets called out of retirement

  • andyburke
    51 year ago

    The Offspring has really grown on me as I have gotten older and become a parent.

    The admiral coming out of the room and talking about Data’s hands, and how they were moving so fast he couldn’t see.

    And man, her line about feeling for both of them. 😢

    • @Shut_up_Wesley
      211 months ago

      This one is also my favorite. The love without being able to express love. The growing pains Lal endures. And my favorite scene, when there’s a couple kissing on ten forward and Lal yells “he’s biting her!”. Just tickles me. Likewise, when Lal goes to try out kissing with Riker and Data asks “what are your intentions with my daughter?”, Great writing. Then the utter sadness in the end. This episode takes you on a beautiful rollercoaster of human emotions, yet they are just out of reach by Data.

  • wagesj45
    31 year ago

    Measure of a Man is hands down the best episode of TNG.

    LOL I started writing this having only seen your title. I happened to glance up and you beat me to it. You’re right that Data is the best vessel that TNG has to explore humanity. Data shows us things about ourselves that we tend to take for granted. This exploration of what makes sentience and consciousness really shaped how I think about AI and all the current debate we’re currently having. It makes me feel better that we don’t have it all figured out in 2023 since they were still debating it in 2365.

    • EmptyRadarOP
      61 year ago

      The whole concept of Riker being forced to argue against Data is excellent. It shows his character for so many different reasons. The conflict he feels as a Starfleet officer and also as Data’s friend, as well as the inner contradiction of needing to do his best to argue against his friend in order to save him, is some of the best Star Trek, IMO.

      • Narrrz
        41 year ago

        I loved the scene where he pulls up data’s schematics, studies them, smiles in satisfaction and then visibly sobers with the realisation that his discovery might just cost his friend their status as a person

  • Prouvaire
    21 year ago

    Episodes that play with the structure of a show always appeal to me, which is a big part of the reason I love “Lower Decks”. It’s also just really well written and executed, offering up humour, drama, character development and tragedy.

  • Narrrz
    21 year ago

    I really liked I, borg. by contrast I didn’t think much of “the inner light” which I believe was the top rated episode.

    but I definitely did enjoy measure of a man. a lot of the star trek court episodes are excellent, I think, across all the series of that time period. (the tng opener being a notable exception 🤣)

    • EmptyRadarOP
      31 year ago

      I, Borg is also great and for many of the same (or similar) reasons as Measure of a Man. Star Trek seems to be at its best when it’s using high-concept sci-fi to explain very basic things about our interactions with other people.

  • sirspate
    1 year ago

    I’ll name a lesser-lauded episode to try and keep things interesting. “The Ensigns of Command”. It’s a bit of a slower episode, but it sticks the landing, both with the Sheliac and with Data’s mission.