I was able to deal with _finding_ the _path_ and got the flag, and now I have 200 points.

But that’s it. I’m stuck on the page and can’t move forward. There is some hint about a vegetable, which is not what it looks like, but actually a small accessory of some sort.

The hint is a little vague, I guess, and there’s an . It suggests that you should action-word it? But what exactly are you supposed to?

There’s no web protocol related to action-word. We can’t action-word files, because they’re already, to begin with? The details in the stuff we’re asked to look in the advice panel deviates from the action-word. I’ve also made sure to look into the highlighted words in the page - there’s two of them and it makes no sense.

I am also aware of a protocol related to the vegetable, however. But it makes no sense with the action-word?

What could I be missing?