• 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I love all these dumbo red hats in the comments who only want what’s best for the Democrats suddenly, and that is to drop Biden.

    Three absolute facts:

    1. Biden already beat Trump once. He can do it again.

    2. The electorate changes a lot in four years and is trending rapidly to the left. Republicans been known they will not win another popular election in the foreseeable decades.

    3. The polls are wrong. The selection bias of “people who answer their phones for unsaved numbers” and the fact that respondents lie to pollsters means polls are incompetent evidence of anything.

    Bonus Fact: No matter what happens in election week, Trump will push a new big lie and will again put his political capital (and its violence) into defrauding or disrupting the certification on January 6. Pence won’t be there to be the adult in the room next time, Trump plans to fire all the adults on day one.