Anthony Bourdain once said “There’s a guy in my head, and all he wants to do is lay in bed all day long, smoke pot, and watch old movies and cartoons. My life is a series of strategems, to avoid, and outwit that guy”. Who is “that guy” for you, and what do you do to avoid him?

  • z500
    1 year ago

    I downloaded an Acorn emulator and wrote a snake game in BBC BASIC, that was a fun weekend. Still smoked pot, but less than I would normally since I was busy.

    1 year ago

    Real talk: I don’t think there’s anything wrong with laying in bed all day long smoking pot and watching cartoons. If that’s what you want to do with your life, go for it. Life is for enjoying. The idea that someone’s life is only worthwhile if it has some greater purpose bothers me, and I say this as someone who considers my purpose in life to be making the world a better place. The world I want to build is one where we could all smoke pot and watch cartoons all day if we felt like it.