• Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Anyone that thinks these “whistleblowers” are real should take a look at the track record of america on its treatment of real whistleblowers.

    Real whistleblowers in the US go to prison, mysteriously die or flee the country to non-extradition countries.

    This shit doesn’t even stand up to the most basic level of critical thinking. If they were actually blowing the lid of some grand conspiracy that the US military doesn’t want you to know they would be treated like that’s what they’re doing.

    • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Not to mention, the term isn’t “alien aircraft”. It’s unidentified flying objects (i.e. aircraft). Those balloons from China were originally UFOs too. All a UFO is, is unidentified. It’s a gigantic logical leap to presume that an object is alien just because it’s unidentified. It’s the exact same sort of thinking that leads to religion and attributions to God. Lack of information or understanding doesn’t mean the banal explanation is impossible.

      Plus, no government program on this scale is ever going to remain secret. We know the moon landing isn’t faked because of just how many people would’ve had to agree to keep it a lie and stick to a careful narrative. The same is 100% true of aliens.

      • Move to lemm.ee@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        People still bring up the ““spy”” balloons despite the fact the US gov has basically pulled back on everything it said about them, it’s so fucking weird, they were just boring weather balloons but they were used to cause such a ridiculous amount of drama.

        Everyone’s standard for evidence is basically crap. No evidence required just need some guys to say “yeaaaah totally, trust me bro” and that’s that. This lack of any standards for evidence is leads to people believing made up bullshit like Iraq having WMDs as a justification for war. It allows them to put testimonies of things out there and people will just believe them on testimony with no actual material evidence required.

        • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          You’re more spot on than you may know. The assessment by the CIA and American intelligence was that Saddam may have had WMDs. They had no certainty, but the Bush administration presented it that way regardless.

          • Asafum@feddit.nl
            11 months ago

            That and every media outlet went nuts with breakdowns of what the facilities could be, what bunker busters could achieve, what kinds of weapons and how fast they could be made, all so we could invade a country we had no business invading (Well, Haliburton and Raytheon had business), kill tons of innocents, and bomb a baby formula factory…

            Mission accomplished!

            • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              It was masterful, if absolutely damnable, politics. People were agitated because of 9/11. If you could successfully tie any group to the attack, you’d have popular support for attacking the group.

              Never let a crisis go to waste, as they say.

  • Cyborganism@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    I’m looking at a live stream of the house hearing and I’m looking at all the politicians that are there and I can’t believe than these are the people that are going to overlook how we get in contact with extraterrestrial intelligent life. We’re so fucked.

  • GONADS125@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I see so many people discounting the subject of UAP entirely, all because of one man’s hearsay. I’m putting this response to a user I made here as a response to this post:

    Putting all the focus on Grusch is a mistake when there was verifiable video footage and radar to match multiple eyewitness accounts for the Nimitz/Tic Tac event. There was a good foundation established for the need to address the near-misses between the UAP and airforce as well as commercial aircraft. People can just pocket or dismiss Grusch’s claims, but that’s not all there is to this subject…

    What do you make of Comander Fravor’s testimony on the Nimitz/Tic Tac event, in which there were multiple eyes on the object, video footage, and radar that was all in line with the reported event? (The radar data was seized by high-ranking Navy officials, if you believe the words of the Cheif Radar Operator on the Nimitz that day)

    Seems unreasonable to totally dismiss the possibility of non-human intelligent life, especially when scientists/organizations like UAPx are taking it seriously and have been analyzing the Nimitz videos. There’s also the Galileo Project at Harvard, which believes they may have recovered manufactured material from an interstellar object (believed to have been aided by propulsion) from the ocean floor off Papua New Guinea. Scientists and physicists are starting to give this subject credence (not necessarily Grusch’s claims, but all of the other information and evidence) and I disagree with the literal anti-intellectual rejection of all information because of one man’s claims.

    This National Geographic docuseries on Hulu really made me confront the notion that there may be some truth to the idea that there are more advanced non-humans out there. This documentary isn’t like the big-haired History Channel nonsense… It is based off of declassified reports, credible former government officials, military, airforce, etc. Highly recommend at least just giving that first episode free on YouTube a shot.

    Here is The Falcon Lake incident, in which there was physical evidence corroborating the eyewitness report. Included in the physical evidence was irradiated scrap metal melted into a rock at the claimed landing site, and an irradiated coin. He also had physical wounds from the event that corroborated his claims, and he fell very ill immediately after.

    Unless you think we had a nuclear-powered aircraft like that in 1967, a simpler explanation really might be that hyper-advanced nonhuman entities may exist. Now, that doesn’t mean all or any of Grusch’s claims are true. I’m not even touching on that when there is already so much compelling information out there.

    I’m not going to pretend we’re anywhere close to having all the answers as a species. We’re just hairless apes that are too smart for are own good, but not as smart as we think we are. Healthy criticism is a good thing, but dismissing everything outright is not. I consider myself a very skeptical person. But it’s not up for debate whether or not our government had a UAP monitoring program. That has been established, having been created by Harry Reid. That’s been established fact since 2017.

    Whether or not they are of human-origin, UAP do exist and therefore should be studied. Here is some declassified UAP footage other than the widely covered Nimitz encounter.

    Here is a very compelling photograph that a National Geographic mapping plane captured in 1971, during a project funded by the Costa Rican Electricity Institute. They believed they captured a flying disc at the moment of entry or exit of the water, as the camera captured a photo about every 13 seconds. It was estimated to be about 160ft in diameter.

    These metalic orbs have been observed all over the world, they have no obvious signs of propulsion, and our government has admitted this is not our tech, and that it’s beyond our capabilities.

    There is a YouTube channel with years worth of apparent footage of these orbs tagging and being pursued by aircraft (from the Navy to the Sherrif’s department choppers equipped with infrared cameras). I don’t agree with all of this individual’s views, but his footage is in line with the accounts of pilots and some of the declassified footage. It’s definitely not verified, but it’s there for the people who ask “Why isn’t anyone capturing these things on film?” This guy has been allegedly recording these around Marina Del Rey since 2017.

    Let’s not forget project Blue Book, General John Samford’s address, the Congressional UFO hearings 50+ years ago, and the information available in the national archivesHere is a French government/military/civilian scientific collaborative study on the subject from 1978 (PDF warning), which determined the most reasonable explanation for the objects was the E.T. hypothesis (their conclusion). Not to mention this tidbit from Canada recently:

    “A Manitoba member of Parliament wrote Canada’s minister of defence this spring suggesting the country has participated in a secret multi-nation program devoted to “the recovery and exploitation” of material from unidentified aerial phenomenon, more commonly known as unidentified flying objects or UFOs.”

    In the face of all this information, I now am at this impasse in which I’m forced to consider that it’s actually more reasonable to believe there are other, more intelligent species in the universe. It’s one thing to argue this is secret human tech we’re seeing right now, but it’s outlandish to me to consider the notion that we had tech like this going back to the 40s… or even just dating back to the Falcon Lake incident.

    There were mass sightings across the US to the point that our Airforce openly acknowledged their existence and initiated Project Blue Book. There’s just no way that was our tech back then, right around the time in which we first discovered the power of the atom. There’s no way we had atomic flying aircraft without any obvious signs of propulsion, rapid acceleration, and moving at enormous speeds without breaking the sound barrier dating back earlier than the 50s…

    I personally reached the tipping point in which I genuinely believe it’s less reasonable to deny the existence of UAP. Characteristics of these UAP have remained consistent across decades, our government has admitted they exist, secret black projects have been uncovered, many documents have been declassified and leaked… I find it much harder to believe that all of this consistency across decades is merely coincidence.

    If anyone reading this truly considers themselves a rational skeptic, please at least watch the first episode of the documentary I linked and read the information from my comment before responding to me.

    • kromem@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      The only thing I’ll point out is that there’s sometimes a false dichotomy presented with this topic of either extraterrestrial tech more advanced than us or secret terrestrial tech much more advanced than what’s known.

      But the same theory of wormholes brought up in the hearing for FTL travel as a possibility would be the exact same foundation that would allow for travel through time.

      The idea that this is terrestrial tech that just hasn’t occurred yet should remain one of the possible variables on the table.

      Yes, to us right now that would be completely impossible or require the energy of an entire star to power. But we enjoy a number of technologies today that were thought to be impossible until intermediate progress was made to pull them out of the realm of impossibility.

      One of my issues with an extraterrestrial explanation is that from a signals standpoint we’re incredibly uninteresting or detectable across effectively the entire universe. That intelligent life exists here seems unlikely to be evidenced in any way outside a small radius around us. But present Earth will, moving forward, arguably be the most interesting spatial destination for an advanced technological civilization in the Earth’s future capable of traveling through time.

      So if this really is technology well beyond present capabilities that’s so commonly seen, we should make sure not to ignore the possibility that it is our technology well beyond present capabilities with the same self-absorption that governs us today.

      Humans have historically overestimated the prevalence of extraterrestrial life beyond what it has turned out to be, and routinely underestimated what we would ourselves one day be capable of.

  • Brokensilence410@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    If UFOs are a common sight, then why have we not seen a good picture of them? Wtf is going on with all this hype over UFOs, when there’s not a single image. Almost everybody nowadays has a camera

  • FluffyPotato@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Yea, once there is any video evidence that doesn’t look like the worse camera in history held up by a parkinson’s patient I’ll actually consider believing in UFOs. Like cmon folks, all cameras are 1080p now at least with auto stabilisation and they are literally everywhere, if there are any aliens on earth there would be an actual proper video at this point.

      • Cethin@lemmy.zip
        11 months ago

        They maybe aren’t ideal, but they’d be good enough that we’d have thousands of videos by now. You might not be able to tell exactly what’s there, but you would be able to correlate them all and have pretty definitive proof. That hasn’t happened yet though, so clearly there’s an issue with the initial hypothesis. Maybe something like it being aliens makes no damn sense. How would they be able to get here but also need to fly aircraft around. We can watch what’s happening on earth from space with fairly high detail and we have trouble just leaving our atmosphere.

  • SulaymanF@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Going just on headline (paywall) this isn’t a surprise. Even astronomers will tell you they see things they can’t identify right away. Some are birds, some are balloons etc. it doesn’t always mean every UFO is an alien.

    • distantsounds@lemmy.worldOP
      11 months ago

      I’d suggest reading the article. It’s here in the comments several times. The video of the hearing is well worth watching and pretty significant. That video is also here in the comments.

        • SCB@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Yes a person specifically employed to find information who then reports said information is 100% the same as dumb shit you said on a playground.

          Exactly the same.

            • SCB@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              You have definitely not seen the hearing and it is beyond weird that you’d pretend otherwise on the internet.

                • SCB@lemmy.world
                  11 months ago

                  The evidence and witness info provided have the committee members calling for a select committee with subpoena powers.

                  When Grusch said “I can’t say that here” that was never going to be the end of that discussion

    • BitingChaos@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      it doesn’t always mean every UFO is an alien.

      The size & age of the universe pretty much tells us that it’s never an alien.

      • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        I disagree. If things went the way we think they should have gone humanity shouldn’t even exist. Billions of years ago some alien race should have mined out this entire solar system.

        The fact that we are here and we have no solid evidence of aliens shows that something is very wrong with our understanding. Distances mean nothing when you have billions of years even without magical FTL travel.

        Put some basic numbers to it. The oldest piece of metal (shapes by humans) we have found is about 7,000 years. I am going to make it worse and assume that there is metal we didn’t find 10k years ago. With nuclear propulsion ship the nearest star is reachable. Let’s assume it takes us with travel time 5,000 years to do this. Humanity goes from copper to two star systems in 15k years.

        Now earth is going to be lazy and wait another 15k years before doing this feat again. Our new colony needs to grow so I am going to give them 15k years as well. We got a pace now. The star systems we have will double every 15k years.

        Let’s round down assuming some colonies fail and it makes the numbers easier. In 150k years humanity has 1k star systems. As a point of reference that is about the time difference between us and the first homo sapiens sapiens. In 300k years we have hit a million. At 450k years a billion. About 550k years, depending on how many stars there are in the galaxy, every star is now populated. 1/1000th of the time required from the Cambrian explosion until now.

        From our understanding life was possible in our galaxy many billions of years ago. On average stars have 1.2 planets. There are about 100-400 billion stars in our galaxy. Of those about .2% are candidates for life. Based on our solar system there is about a 20% chance of life given the right conditions. From our dataset of 1 it takes 4 billion years to get sentient tool making social animals. Low end estimates of the number of aliens like us number in the thousands AT THIS MOMENT.

        Again. We should not exist. Something is very wrong with our models. I am positive we will find the answer one day and I am betting it is going to break a whole bunch of theories.

        • hoodatninja@kbin.social
          11 months ago

          Again. We should not exist. Something is very wrong with our models.

          I get why you feel this way but that’s not really how stats works.

          • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            Ok can you please point to the part that I was factually wrong about? I did take the time and energy to use real numbers and the probabilities that people in this field use.

                • Nalivai@discuss.tchncs.de
                  11 months ago

                  We are. We are the winner. The chances of someone winning the cosmic lottery is astronomically low. The chances that there is another winner nearby is (astronomically low)2.

            • hoodatninja@kbin.social
              11 months ago

              The numbers aren’t the issue. You can’t say “something happened that was very unlikely therefore the number saying it’s unlikely was wrong.”

                • hoodatninja@kbin.social
                  11 months ago

                  Ok so it is likely?

                  No but to be blunt it has little to no bearing on the discussion to decide if it is or isn’t likely. Whether it’s likely or not is immaterial unless you’re gambling or building policy/making decisions around it. It doesn’t impact the results.

                • hoodatninja@kbin.social
                  11 months ago

                  Thinking about this discussion some more, and I would like to share an example with you.

                  If I roll a D100 there is a 1% chance it’ll land on any given number. What I want it to land on, such as a 100, does not change the likelihood. Yet we have this natural inclination to see 100 as “impossible on the first try,” but not say, 34. Because 34 is not a number we generally care about when rolling a D100. We usually want a 100, we usually don’t want a 1. But they’re as likely as anything else and our feelings on the issue, as well as the result, will never change the fact that it’s 1% every single time for every single result, so each result is equally “special.” This goes for a coin flip, a D100, or a D1000000000. Every result is equally likely and special. We had an insanely unlikely chance of being here, but stats says “whelp it can happen so shrug.”

  • iyaerP@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I watched the hearings yesterday, and I was mostly left with the impression that we need more investigations, and to kick some asses in the aviation world so that encounters with UAPs can be safely reported without sacrificing the career of the pilot in question by even talking about it.

    Mostly it’s stuff we already know about, the tictac and a couple other similar events. The most interesting thing by far to me is the report of a UAP that “split” a flight of F-18s. That means that it physically passed between two jets. Hard to say that it was a balloon or sensor defect in that event. I bring up balloons because lot of the UFO craze is caused by people just not knowing what they’re seeing or now having the knowledge to contextualize a relatively static object appearing to move via parallax against a static background due to the movement of the observer source. It certainly wasn’t helped by the fact that back in the day, the Air Force was doing MIB psyops to the locals who reported to the air force base when stealth fighters were first being developed and tested. Civilians then started mass reporting about “triangle UFOs” which were just F-117s before anyone even knew that those existed, and you got the pile of of fraudsters and people who just wanted their moment in the limelight.

    What we’re getting in the Congressional hearing isn’t that. These are our most trained and experienced fighter pilots operating multiple sensor systems, all of which are showing events that to our current knowledge of physics are basically impossible, and compounded by confirmation from the Mk 1 Eyeball. Fooling the human eye is pretty easy, but trained observers like fighter pilots are harder to fool, but still possible. Fooling trained human observers and multiple different sensor systesm (FLIR, RADAR, and optical cameras) all at once is still possible, but harder. But the more sensor systems in play, the harder it is to fool all of them, and the incidents in question had the full sensor suite of multiple AEGIS mounting surface warships, multiple fighter pilots and weapons officers and the sensor systems of those planes from multiple different angles all in general agreement about the impossible behaviors of the UAPs.

    At the tail end of last year, we just got the reveal of the latest and greatest in US secret weapons development with the B-21 and that was pretty much an iteration on known physics and known systems. B-21 is miles better than B-2, but it isn’t a tictac, and when we look at the development of these kind of systems in the past, they generally take about a decade to go from conceptualization to prototype, and about another decade to go from prototype to public reveal. In that timeframe, B-21s would have been around during the right era for the tictac event and the one off Virginia Beach, but again, B-21s aren’t magical supertech vehicles that can ignore all known physics. B-21s could probably have spoofed some of the sensors on the ships and F-18s that intercepted the Tictacs, but they still are a visible plane, no MCU style invisibility/colorshifting panels to make it look like a grey cube inside a transparent sphere, or just the smooth countourless description of the tictac.

    Now, all that being said, I don’t think that it was “little green men” either. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence after all, and what evidence we have is some combination of sparse, classified, and disorganized. I think that right now we have unexplained behaviors from unexplained objects and our best approach going forwards is going to be to try and collate data and coordinate the study of it to try and figure out what causes these events.

    At the same time, I don’t think that these events are the result of foreign actors either. If China had that kind of tech, we wouldn’t have seen the pathetic excuse for balloons this year, and they probably would have made a play for Taiwan by now. If Russia had that kind of tech, they wouldn’t be rolling out T-55 rustbuckets to fight in Ukraine. Clearly the answer is South Korea and the pro-Starcraft scene is there to train the pilots in microing such a highly versatile and responsive craft. I for one welcome our new Korean overlords. :p

    The thing that stands out to me there is that it’s multiple ships and planes tracking this and producing this data. If it was like a glitch in the AN/SPY radar on an AEGIS equipped ship like the Princeton, then that same glitch wouldn’t also have shown up on the FLIR and optical cameras of an F-18 as well as the radar of the E2 and the non-AEGIS equipped ship like the Nimitz. Repeat down the list for possible sensors. There exists commonality, like all the F-18s would have had the same kind of radar, but that doesn’t extend to the E2 nor the ships.

    But as mentioned in the hearing, the only publicly available release of that data is the FLIR camera. What’s shown on the video I’ve seen several different “debunkings” of, all of which with various explanations, although the most common is basically thermal lens flare, but that still doesn’t explain the eyeball reports nor the radar tracks, but unfortunately we have none of that data available publicly. And this is all of course predicated on the idea of these eyewitnesses being credible. If the follow-up hearings happen and the DoD under congressional pressure releases the radar data from the Princeton and Nimitz that day and it doesn’t track with what the people in the hearing today were saying, then that blows a giant hole in the story.

    And that’s assuming that it’s not another misunderstanding that winds up easily explained. Like when we started doing manned space missions, the pilots reported “foo fighters” as dancing lights outside the Mercury spacecraft. Well, it turned out that the Mercury had an issue with condensation on the interior of the windows and that the light from the sun when coming in not diffused from the atmosphere would create an optical illusion of dancing lights. Similar thing with “flying dutchman” ships floating above the horizon where it is merely an optical illusion created by certain atmospheric conditions that create a false horizon. But it’d have to be one hell of a phenomena to show up on multiple sensor systems like that.

    At the end of the day, I still don’t know. The rational skeptic in me says it probably isn’t aliens, but at the same time, unless these fighter pilots are lying under oath, (and Grusch was very clear to couch everything in terms of “this is the hearsay that others have told me, and everything else goes under SCIF”) I don’t have the imagination to postulate as to what it could be.

    The “there is no good evidence” problem is why I want the radar tracks for Nimitz and Princeton released. They’d either confirm the tictac story, or just blow it away entirely, because a large part of what makes that one so compelling is that it was ostensibly tracked from so many different angles from so many different types and models of military radars. If David Fravor was lying about those radar tracks showing the impossible events he describes, then we can dismiss his claims entirely. If the radar tracks show a mostly consistent behavior, then it lends credence to the UAP, and we can discuss it in good faith without having to try and justify it constantly to skeptics. It’s one thing when we just have the one FLIR clip. It’s another if we have the radar returns from an E2 Sentry, the USS Nimitz, the USS Princeton, and the squadron of F-18s.

    Besides, at this point, it’s not like these are bleeding edge capabilities. These are all systems that have been around longer than I’ve been alive. The newer shit is all far and away superior, and so releasing a bit of the information for fighter and naval sensors developed in the fucking EIGHTIES isn’t exactly going to be giving up the game to China.

    • Chocrates@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      At the end of yesterdays hearing one of the congresspeople asked them if they thought the UAP’s were probing our defenses or after our nukes.
      The witnesses all said yes.

      Now they were being asked to speculate about the unknown, but it is ridiculous to think that a non human probe that has presumably broken the light speed limit wants anything from us. Uranium isn’t special. Jets running on dead dinosaurs are not special. If a non human probe is here it is just to study us, it doesn’t give a single shit about human tech and resources. The universe is vast and getting resources out of a gravity well is expensive.

      Now we could say that they were playing it up for congress and they are likely to get more funding if they pose it as a us vs them problem, but they lost all credibility to me at that point.

      • solstice@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        That wasn’t my take on it. Maybe we are thinking of different scenes in the movie - sorry, different points in the hearing - but I understood the question was “is it POSSIBLE they are a threat” not “do you actively think they are a threat” or whatever. Subtle but super important difference.

    • Cethin@lemmy.zip
      11 months ago

      I want to make a few points.

      First, the appeal to experts is bad. Doctors misdiagnose things all the time and they’re dealing with much less complex systems than literally all airspace. They also have more training and experience. We expect them to make mistakes on occasion, and we should expect the same from pilots.

      Second, what reason would aliens have for flying in our atmosphere? We can observe what’s happening on earth from space and our tech is not even close to capable for what would be needed to travel to other habitable planets.

      Third, assuming it is aliens flying in the atmosphere for whatever reason, how would their tech not not be advanced enough to avoid detection? They are obviously trying to avoid detection (assuming it’s aliens, which it isn’t), so how are they so incompetent yet so advanced?

      Fourth, if you include the UFO crash stuff, how would they be so incompetent to crash? We have extremely few crashes of our aircraft with our relatively simple technology. There is no way they’d be that bad to crash if they can create the technology to visit earth.

  • genoxidedev1@kbin.social
    11 months ago

    source: trust me bro

    or whatever, I won’t waste my time with this bs. “Alien” UFOs would never exist on this planet

    1. Why should Aliens care about us specifically? We are seriously not that important in the grand scheme of things
    2. We have no evidence of lifeforms intelligent enough to build spacecraft
    3. We have no evidence of lifeforms intelligent enough to build spacecraft fast enough to arrive here from a place that we weren’t able to observe yet
    4. “Anyone capable of traveling interstellar distances would not be “captured” by us.
      It’s like saying a caveman could capture an F-15” - quoting someone from a Reddit post about this bs story

    I will actually human centipede myself if the stories about “aliens”, that y’all want so much to be true, were true in the slightest.

    • GONADS125@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Set aside David Grusch’s claims for a minute.

      What do you make of Comander Fravor’s testimony on the Nimitz/Tic Tac event, in which there were multiple eyes on the object, video footage, and radar that was all in line with the reported event? (The radar data was seized by high-ranking Navy officials, if you believe the words of the Cheif radar operator on the Nimitz that day)

      Seems unreasonable to totally dismiss that when scientists/organizations like UAPx are taking it seriously and have been analyzing the Nimitz videos.

      This National Geographic docuseries on Hulu really made me confront the notion that there may be some truth to the idea that there are more advanced non-humans out there. This documentary isn’t like the big-haired History Channel nonsense… It is based off of declassified reports, credible former government officials, military, airforce, etc. Highly recommend at least just giving that first episode free on YouTube a shot.

      Here’s a story in which there was physical evidence corroborating the eyewitness report. Included in the physical evidence was irradiated scrap metal melted into a rock, and an irradiated coin.

      Unless you think we had a nuclear-powered craft like that in 1967, a simpler explanation really might be that hyper-advanced nonhuman entities may exist. Now, that doesn’t mean all of Grusch’s claims are true. I’m not even touching on that when there is already so much compelling information out there.

      I’m not going to pretend we’re anywhere close to having all the answers as a species. We’re just hairless apes that are too smart for are own good, but not as smart as we think we are. Healthy criticism is a good thing, but dismissing everything outright is not. I’m just wanting to share this because I find it interesting/exciting. I’m going to bed and not planning on debating.

      • Ranolden@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Are extra dimensional aliens really the simplest explanation for “Drunk man is burned, and finds radioactive stuff in the woods”?

  • TemporaryBoyfriend@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, full stop.

    There’s nothing saying that this isn’t something of our own creation.

    The Roswell incident exposed the existence of Mylar – something human-made, classified, but other-worldly in appearance and texture to anyone who might have seen it at that time… Now something mundane enough to be used as potato chip bags.

  • Ret2libsanity@infosec.pub
    11 months ago

    The claims are much bigger and much more serious. It’s not just that we see UFOs.

    Under oath - the ranking intelligence officials claim that there is a SAP (top secret program) dedicated to recovering and reverse engineering non-human intelligence aircraft.

    That non human bodies have been recovered.

    The intelligence officials / contractors read into these programs have harmed and potentially even murdered people to keep the secret under wraps.

    That the programs have no congressional oversight of actions or funds. That funds are being diverted in criminal ways - likely a fraction of the missing DOD money that cannot be accounted for.

    This is all very serious before even considering the repercussions of non-human entities present on earth.

    • Silverseren@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      So, who are these harmed and murdered people exactly? And how do you differentiate between these claims of alien spacecraft and general top secret aircraft engineering that would also have such strict security?

      • Cows Look Like Maps@sh.itjust.works
        11 months ago

        And all of these harmed and murdered people conveniently have no relatives speaking up about it either lol. It’s always hand wavey and lacking evidence.

        • Jay212127@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          You’re asking for people who claim that their missing relatives were abducted by aliens and the government is trying to cover it up?

          Pretty sure we’ve all heard those stories.

          • hoodatninja@kbin.social
            11 months ago

            This comment feels pretty tongue in cheek to be honest. If your goal is for people to take the question of UFOs/aliens seriously, then I would suggest being a little more sincere/productive with your responses. Just my two cents.

    • trafficnab@kbin.social
      11 months ago

      I just have trouble believing that the probably thousands of people both government and private involved in such programs that no doubt exist across every major power on earth (unless for whatever reason UFOs choose to only fly around and crash into the continental US) have all managed to stay quiet about something of this magnitude for decades (or damn near 100 years if his claim of it starting in the 1930s is to be believed)

      Not to mention that, simultaneously, the government(s) is powerful enough to successfully suppress this information for a hundred years, while some how also failing to keep somebody from testifying about it in a publicly televised congressional hearing

      • Cows Look Like Maps@sh.itjust.works
        11 months ago

        On top of that, every country in the world would have to be collaborating in keeping it a secret since the US of A isn’t some special place where they uniquely occur.

        Occam’s Razor leads me to believe its yet another conspiracy theory.

          • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            Think of how many governments don’t have the capability to do anything with a crashed alien spacecraft, know that richer countries are making money off this stuff, know that they gain nothing for handing it over, and just do it.

            Can you imagine Hugo Chavez, or Fidel Castro, or Nassor, or the Kim family just calling up the US and being like “hey aliens are here, want to go get them and cover it up? No of course I don’t want any money”?

            All these pompous dictators just begging for a chance to go on CNN and brag how they stuck it to the US of A. All it would take is one. A single one of them to not play ball. Even democracies would do it.

            190 countries. Most of them hating each other. All of them rivals. With every sorta government you can imagine. And not a single one of them has decided to not play ball. Hell we can’t even get them all to agree on vaccinations.

            • captainlezbian@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              Literally fucking Somalia. Would Somalia do it? What about Momar Gaddafi? The man was a lunatic who ruled a geographically massive country for decades. I don’t know how he’d spill the beans, but he certainly wouldn’t’ve kept quiet. How many coups have happened in the dense jungles of central africa and Southeast Asia as well as the Amazon?

              Then there’s the unwilling pariah states. South Africa and Zimbabwe aren’t small countries. If the US government had been keeping all this hush hush apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia would’ve traded silence and compliance for aid and the arms to suppress the indigenous rebellion.

              Like yeah it’s absurd to imagine all these wildly different countries doing the same thing about this. Like no of course they wouldn’t. And many couldn’t.

                • captainlezbian@lemmy.world
                  11 months ago

                  Are you really sticking up for apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia? You’re allowed to do that I guess but yikes nonetheless.

      • mpa92643@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        They apparently always manage to get to crash sites before the locals do and manage to somehow quickly and quietly extract every little piece of debris spread across several square miles without anyone noticing.

        It’s just not realistic.

        • RGB3x3@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          AND the fact that an alien species that has the technology to come all the way to earth is so inept that they crash for whatever reason and can’t handle the US government?

          Come on, it’s ridiculous.

  • zer0@thelemmy.club
    11 months ago

    These days propaganda and lies spread by the government to cover up things they shouldn’t do is also a common sight