Some article websites (I’m looking at right now, as an example) show the first page or so of article content and then have a “Continue Reading” button, which you must click to see the rest of the article. This seems so ridiculous, from a UX perspective–I know how to scroll down to continue reading, so why hide the text and make me click a button, then have me scroll? Why has this become a fairly common practice?

    9 months ago

    it’s a good idea not to allow your site to generate any kind of circular self-referential loop that can be achieved via navigation or clicking on things

    Don’t nearly all sites have a logo at the top that will take you back to the homepage? I’m not really following.

    My intuition is that the only safe solution is to rate limit requests; a poorly coded bot could definitely just be a while loop for the same URL ad infinitum.

    [e] Unless there’s something to this I’m not thinking about.