#ActivityPub is super cool once you see it in action.
For instance, you can visit the new StarTrek lemmy server here: https://startrek.website/c/startrek. Looks like a reddit sub with posts, threaded comments, upvotes, &c.
OR you can follow the same server on Mastodon @startrek.
Every thread and comment shows up as a boosted post.
Cool, right? Now, say you find a comment that you want to reply to. Post through your favorite Mastodon app, and that feeds right back to the thread on the #Lemmy server! 🤯
@astromd @awilbert Personally I love/use Mona, but Ivory is also really good. It’s made by the devs of Tweetbot. If something free is more your taste, there’s also Ice Cubes
Mona looks interesting. Ivory seems complicated, but then again so it Mastodon in general.
@astromd Ivory, like most things Mastodon, seems complicated on the surface.
In Truth, Mona is a little more complex because it’s just so customizable, Ivory is more ready for almost anyone to use it