• alvvayson@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Lol. If that’s the level of political analysis Biden is gaming on, then he’s gonna fail just like Hilary.

    The name of the game is knowing your base and getting high voter turnout.

    The Republicans understand this. I hope the Democrats don’t forget it like they did in 2016.

    • Blackbeard@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I mean, even a significant majority of 18-24 year olds supports Israel, and half of them don’t vote, even in normal years. About 28% of voters who disapprove of Biden’s handling of this situation actually think he’s too supportive of Palestine, and independents are more supportive of Israel than registered Democrats The demographic with the highest turnout rate supports Israel over Palestine by a 6 to 1 margin.

      So yeah, the youth vote is absolutely critical if he hopes to win reelection, and turnout is a significant part of that, but the opinion of the youth, and further the opinion of the thin sliver of young people here on Lemmy, does not accurately reflect the opinion of the broader voting electorate. The fact is, people here care WAY more about the Israeli conflict than most of the rest of the country.

      • alvvayson@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        You are still thinking that winning elections is about convincing the center.

        That was true up to about 2008.

        Now, in the US, it’s about turning up the base.

        Your analysis is weak, and pandering to the elderly is not going to be a winning strategy.

        Up until now, Biden has been smarter than that. And I have some faith he will find a winning strategy.

        But an analysis like this will only lead to losing.

        • Blackbeard@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          You are still thinking that winning elections is about convincing the center.

          No, I’m saying elections are about convincing likely voters. And with Biden’s continued edge with independents, I might be right. Others who have done deep dives into the data agree with me, too. Clinton had a 30-point edge in the 18-29 demographic and exactly the same support in the 30-49 demographic, which means she did better among younger voters than Biden, and she still lost.

          Your analysis is weak

          Oh piss off. Yours is infantile and naive, and you’re not even a voter. People stop taking you seriously when you make this shit personal, and your sentence would have conveyed the same meaning without the invective.

          pandering to the elderly is not going to be a winning strategy.

          Nope, but pandering to likely voters might be. 68% of Jewish voters said they’ll vote Biden over Trump, and only 11% were undecided. Hell, even Bernie won’t call for a cease fire. And there’s a stupid amount of money that gets thrown at any Democrat who steps out of line to criticize Israel. Might depressed youth/base turnout lose him the election? Sure. Might also alienating a very powerful (and wealthy) ally who could further depress turnout among a hitherto reliable voting bloc? You fucking betcha.

          But an analysis like this will only lead to losing.

          Like what? Surveying likely voters? I pointed to actual poll numbers. The numbers are there if you care to look, and they’re likely the same numbers Biden’s team is reviewing to chart the best path forward in an election year.

          The fact that you seem so unwaveringly sure of yourself without a shred of evidence makes me significantly less inclined to engage, by the way. I might not respond further, so if you don’t want to waste your time formulating another quippish, vapid response, don’t.

          • alvvayson@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            I think it’s better you don’t respond. It’s not particularly productive to read your bad takes.

            You put way too much effort in providing links instead of actually thinking.

              • jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
                5 months ago

                Removed, rule 3:

                Be civil, No violations of TOS. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (perjorative, perjorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (perjorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!

    • admiralteal@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      I mean, this IS the popular message. It isn’t true, but it is the popular message, regularly amplified by the far left and the GOP alike.

      The reality of Biden is that he’s repeatedly pushed and campaigned for student loan debt forgiveness and has accomplished a great deal on that front even against a corrupt and entrenched conservative judicial apparatus preventing it. He’s put a largely-young, massively diverse set of people in charge of the levers of the administrative state. He somehow got passed through a hostile congress the biggest piece of climate legislation ever, in the entire world. He got a huge consensus infrastructure bill passed, too, which in spite of its vast scope has someone gone COMPLETELY under the radar politically – an accomplishment in its own right. He’s had, frankly, a very successful term, all things considered. Better-liked presidents have done far less.

      I’m not at all happy with the administration’s words as far as the war on Palestine goes, but the oversimplifications aren’t saving any lives over there either. And in terms of actual actions being taken… I’ve yet to hear someone make a convincing practical argument for what we could do to end the conflict and protect lives, setting aside all the discussions of pure ethics that these conversations usually are.

      Similarly, I think it is damn time we get serious about supreme court reform. The institution is corrupt and has been for a very long time – mostly always. But I am not going to say he’s a total failure when he doesn’t do it. It’s morally right to do it. It should be done. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool or a bastard. And I know Biden won’t because it would end him, politically, and the other progress is good and worthy of maintaining.

    • ZahzenEclipse@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      Young people don’t vote and young people aren’t what helped biden win last time. They can continue not to vote and it won’t hurt biden.

      • Shyfer@ttrpg.network
        5 months ago

        Biden had historical turnout from young people. I think it was more based on Trump hate but still they helped. But you’re right, they’re a notoriously unreliable voting base.