I need your help #bookstodon. One of the classes I’m taking at the graduate level this semester is Religion & Science Fiction. I read more fantasy, and would like to do my research paper on something that’s not obvious (like ST/BS5/Matrix/etc.) & I’d love to use more modern sf rather than the golden age classics.

Anyone have any interesting ideas for my research paper on regarding the intersection of religion and science fiction?

@bookstodon #sciencefiction #scifi #ReligiousStudies #academia

  • Token Sane Person@mastodon.me.uk
    9 months ago

    @KitMuse @bookstodon A couple of Heinlein novels that spring to mind are Job and Stranger in a Strange Land, both of which have religious themes.

    Also the science backed religion in the first Foundation novel by Asimov. And Childhoods End by Clarke has some broad cosmic themes to it, although they don’t emerge till late in the book.
    Edit. Sorry, just noticed you wanted to avoid the Golden Age