I personally enjoy taking long walks. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the woods, on a bike trail, or just through town. There’s something nice about just meandering and being alone with your thoughts while still being immersed in the outside world.
I personally enjoy taking long walks. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the woods, on a bike trail, or just through town. There’s something nice about just meandering and being alone with your thoughts while still being immersed in the outside world.
15 minutes of guided meditation after a hard workout. Sitting on a camping chair with a cold beer on a hot summer day by yourself. High quality noise cancelling headphones with your favorite music. Being around a friend or friends that all fits the right vibe and everything just clicks. E: Another one is buy one or two in-season quality fruits from a local grower… Just had strawberries in Japan and my life is different.