The thing most people don’t remember about Prometheus is that humans already had fire, but then Zeus locked it up behind a paywall, because Zeus was a petty little bitch. Prometheus stole it *back*. In this essay about DRM I will

(Originally published earlier today on

  • Nicolai von Neudeck 🤒🤕
    8 months ago

    @jwz the thing most Christians do not realise about Adam and Eve is that God did not expel them from paradise because they ate of the Tree of Knowledge but because God feared they would after that *also* eat from the Tree of Life and become **immortal**. God banned them from paradise, made them live, give birth and die in pain and if they would do what pleases God *maybe* reward them with the eternal life in paradise they could have had from the beginning without the suffering and pain. GEN 3:22