I feel like scientists are putting on a good show in appearing hopeful that we can fix the climate.
I know a couple people who are involved in
imageCLIMATE (no idea where image came from) sciences, and most of the used to be extremely vocal about doing anything and everything to prevent it.Then they slowly changed to “make it as survivable as possible”
Most don’t say a word anymore. And some of them aren’t the kind of people to keep quiet just because nobody is listening to them
This tells me they’ve given up hope because it’s too late and they know nothing can really be done anymore, barring some miracle breakthrough tech.
Can’t blame them at all. Humanity has proven time and time again to be too ignorant to save. The majority are not willing to suffer the inconveniences required, and capitalism would only be willing to do what’s necessary if it were believed to be the most profitable option.
It’s much easier to let us fuck around and find out, and let the climate do the talking. Catastrophe is the only way we’ll learn.
“im confident, that if we got our best minds together, and give them the best resources, and we all worked really really hard. … I still don’t see how we can make it”
Vast amounts of public funds will be used to both mitigate the damage caused by and protect the continued profitability of the fossil fuel industry.
This isn’t CCS. This is damage control, for when PIG and Thwaites have melted off, the entire West Antarctic ice shield will melt irreversibly as well (missing shelf buttressing leads to melting). This will happen either way (https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1512482112), but the timespan varies between short or 13kya. Flattening the curve, remember?