Donald Trump spent the weekend telling senators they should not pass more unconditional U.S. foreign aid. More than a dozen Republicans ignored him Sunday, moving forward on a bill to send $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

The Senate voted 67-27 to advance the foreign aid supplemental spending bill that doesn’t include border provisions, moving it another step closer to passage. That still isn’t guaranteed, as leaders haven’t yet reached an agreement on GOP-demanded border amendments.

The package faces some resistance from Republicans, who say they won’t back further aid to Ukraine unless it’s amended to include border policy changes. Last week, Republicans blocked a bipartisan border-foreign aid package that was negotiated for months, arguing it didn’t go far enough to limit migration. Consideration of border amendments would require unanimous consent from senators, which is still elusive.

    8 months ago

    They chose Trump as the person who most accurately represents their values and beliefs. They’ve chosen him time and time again as their party’s top representative. Trump accurately represents conservatives.

      8 months ago

      No shit. And it’s not even because he’s cleverly engaging with his base, he’s just an equally dumb and easily manipulated conservative moron who takes all his opinions wholesale from Fox News.