• Hyperreality
      764 months ago

      French soldiers died in fighting alongside the US in Afghanistan. It was a deeply unpopular war, but after 9/11 the US invoked NATO article 5, so the French along with other European nations sent young men to die alongside American soldiers.

      I don’t think the freedom fries and “France surrendered” remarks are the problem.

      It’s the “Russians should invade them, and I’ll encourage it.” remarks from the next president.

  • Hyperreality
    4 months ago

    Europe: USA help me

    USA: No problem. Who are we fighting against?

    Europe: Russia.

    USA: What I’m saying is this: You have a group on one side and you have a group on the other, and they came at each other with bombs-- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch. But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the good guys-- you just called them the good guys-- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is. I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides – I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      4 months ago

      Dude… Saying Trump is the USA is a low fucking blow. 70% of us hate his fucking guts, and the 30% that don’t hate him are literal seditionists who don’t understand what the USA is supposed to represent.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
          44 months ago

          That’s an isolated ABC poll, not an indication of national sentiment. More accurately 45% of people who responded to a random American Broadcasting Company poll are fucking stupid, malicious, or both.

          • Hyperreality
            4 months ago

            I have a related degree. Sorry, but no. There’s a high probability it’s within a few percentage points of that number.

            This isn’t an ABC poll. It’s a page on ABC’s website which tracks polls published by polling companies.

            The 45% is from a polling company with a sufficiently large sample size. This isn’t just one isolated poll. You can keep scrolling, and you’ll see similar figures from multiple polling companies. The chance that a hundred polls are all wrong, is very low.

            You may have heard of YouGov, a UK based polling company with a good reputation. As you can see they have a poll they published last week which has Trump at 46% favourable. If you click on yougov it’ll link you to the full poll data, so you can read about their methodology, and how they weighted things so that the sample is as representative as possible.

            And yes, the good pollsters weigh the data so it better reflects the population. No, they don’t only phone old people anymore. Those days are largely gone, outside the occasional partisan poll.

              • Hyperreality
                94 months ago

                It is.

                Given Trump’s remarks about NATO and Putin’s remarks about the Baltics, it’s also genuinely scary.

          • @TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Then why is Trump leading more than Biden in the polls? I think we have to admit Trump has gained sympathy from those who may not be outright fascists, but sees him as lesser evil to uphold their privileges. Many Americans think he is better on the economy than Biden, which is why Trump is leading. People reminisce on the pre-Covid economy under Trump.

            Forgive me for invoking Ad Hitlerum on this, but the similarity of Nazi’s rise to power and of Trump is very striking. Many German voters, including the right of all flavours, felt threatened by the growing popularity of communism as the communist election victory might take away their property. So, moderates, businesses and conservatives thought Hitler and the Nazis is the safer bet, and either supported him or did not mind him because the other option is their wealth might be taken from them.

            At the end of the day, voters can be pretty self-interested and most of the time we vote on what serves us economically. I’m afraid we don’t have another Roosevelt to save us from economic woes while still upholding democratic values.

      • RedFox
        84 months ago

        I might be the most conservative dude on Lemmy, and hate trump so much.

        All that bs about the election being stolen. I don’t know how he’s leading. That’s the conspiracy. How the hell is this happening again. Sorry, trump hate is well covered,.I’m not original here, just reeling.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
          4 months ago

          No problem dude. I get it. He should be in prison, but instead he gets to try for complete and total immunity again.

        • Because the GOP has been dismantling education while partnering with fundamentalist extremists to literally cult program the millions of idiots they created. It’s been happening at least since Reagan.

    • @OpenStars
      214 months ago

      In the olden days, we used to have something that we called a “conflict of interest” where, oh lets say that someone who said the above had much of their wealth tied up in the bank accounts of the aggressor party, and then we might choose to listen to what they had to say a little less bigly. Now, the alternative facts reign supreme, and we very well might join with said aggressor party as soon as 2024 or 2028.:-(

      • @acetanilide@lemmy.world
        64 months ago

        Tbh that’s something I’m afraid of. That Biden will win this year, but Trump will keep running until the end of time (which is when he either wins and becomes dictator, or dies)

        I’m also afraid he will never die, and I think he will, but sometimes I still think there’s a monster under the bed that’s gonna eat my toes and I can’t fight that with logic.

        • @OpenStars
          54 months ago

          Sorry, but it’s far worse than that. Trump is mostly a symptom - he is also a cause to be sure, but mostly he is a symptom of other underlying issues. Putin being one of the prime ones there. i.e., the puppet is replaceable, the forces behind the mask not so much.

          The only thing required for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.

          But they did not, and now I am not certain that this fight is even winnable (although it’s not entirely over yet!:-D).

            • @OpenStars
              24 months ago

              About the former stuff: me too.

              About whether stuff is too late to change, I guess we’ll all find out together!

  • @frezik@midwest.social
    4 months ago

    Then France goes bankrupt and, as a result, the monarchy is abolished, given over to an Emperor, unabolished, abolished again, unabolished, abolished, given to the former Emperor’s idiot nephew, and finally finding an actual democracy between the couch cushions.

    19th century France was a trip, and intervening in the American Revolution sorta set it all off.

    • deweydecibel
      174 months ago

      American Revolution was the kickoff, but there were a lot of other things building up for a long time, and they’d have found another way of going bankrupt fighting the English sooner or later.

    • Baŝto
      94 months ago

      Was a great time, the American and/or French revolution also started nationalism. We had a lot of “fun” with that concept.

      At least the French revolution also brought us the metric system and the decimal clock.

    • @Waterdoc@lemmy.ca
      94 months ago

      Abolished is one way to put it… I suspect Louis had stronger words when it was his turn to meet Madame Guillotine.

  • @JasonDJ@lemmy.zip
    4 months ago

    When we were on death’s door, when we were needy
    We made a promise, we signed a treaty.
    We needed money, and guns, and half a chance,
    Uhh who provided those funds?

    In return they didn’t ask for land,
    Only the promise that we’d lend a hand