Some here might remember my post from a couple of months ago when I first took Lexi home. She was handed in by her previous family due to their existing cat being very aggressive towards her. She had been sitting in the cage at the pound for 2 months when I adopted her.

It took a little bit to get used to me but now won’t leave my side. As soon as I get on the computer, she jumps up and lays down at the side of the keyboard, which makes working difficult lol

I have a question for the community though, she seems very scared of all males other than me. She is fine with any women (she’s especially loves my grandma and insists we go visit her next door daily). Is this normal for cats to be scared of men or is it likely something happened to her at the previous home?

    8 months ago

    I wouldn’t assume that. Some cats just develop fears for no obvious reason. Our 7 year old female cat flees at any sudden noise or movement. She runs and hides any time we have visitors. My sister in law has come to pet sit for her several times but she hisses at her if she tries to get too close. We adopted her as a kitten from a friend who had taken in a pregnant stray. She has never been mistreated or experienced any sort of trauma and was actually pretty normal as a kitten. These behaviors didn’t start manifesting until she was about a year old. As far as we can tell she just has anxiety issues.

      8 months ago

      My cat is the same, minus the hissing part. He just goea hide every time he see a stranger. I adopted himbwhen he was already 7 y/o, no idea if he was mistreated, but at least he know he can come cuddle with me anytime he want. And he does a lot.