Since putting together my ErgoMax a month back, I found myself feeling increasingly less keen to get back to productive stuff, which in my case is programming.

Yesterday I had a moment of clarity on the irritation that I couldn’t previously quite put my finger on — it was the steady hassle of having to fiddle with layer shifting and other mod keys such as shift or command, to type in even just a few lines of code.

How do all the programmers deal with having to constantly key in “, [] and {}, sometimes with cmd, ctrl etc keys held down, on boards without dedicated keys for them?

  • roux is a
    1 year ago

    I do something similar with bigrams but on my left half. I have “other syntax” on my right side Most if it is inward or outward finger rolls to. So for example, != is like typing “at” on Colemak but on my symbol layer. (); is rolling “nei” and so on. I based it off of Mental_Gymnastic’s write- up I found from reddit.


    It’s worth a read because this dude has a ton of good ideas.