The show had already established how Tendi has green blood earlier in the series after an injury and it would have been an easy to infer detail compared to humans in the show.

Other animated shows like Steven Universe already show how non-pink blush colors can work in animation.

  • qantravon
    344 months ago

    I fully agree. In this vein, I also think that Romulans and Vulcans should prefer green-tinted lipstick rather than red. In a few episodes in DS9 they actually did this, but most of the time they just default to red and it really doesn’t feel right.

    • Hyperreality
      144 months ago

      A common beauty hack is to match your lipstick colour to the colour of your nipple, so yeah.

      This being said, maybe the Romulans or Vulcans in question have a fetish for humans.

      • Tar_Alcaran
        24 months ago

        A common beauty hack is to match your lipstick colour to the colour of your nipple, so yeah.

        That’s extremely cultural, and doesn’t even stand up to the a historical test. I doubt it would carry over across planets. (Works great for TV audience though)

    • ϻеƌųʂɑ
      84 months ago

      I feel like a lot of it is “translated” to match human emotions. That person wouldn’t actually be considered attractive, but the movie makes them attractive in a weird way so humans can relate. Green lipstick on a Vulcan would be EXTREMELY off putting to a human, in literal stark contrast. To make a Vulcan “attractive” it would be on human terms with our sexy red lipstick or… it may have the wrong effect and not tune emotions in properly to the scene. It’s a huge reason why I hated watching Star Trek with a particular individual I know. “THOSE TWO SPECIES COULDN’T BE BREEDING! THE HORMONES ARE ALL WRONG AND THEY DIDN’T DEVELOP IN THE SAME…” and on and on.

      The blushing thing absolutely should be green, but I get why it wasn’t characterized as such. Friggin apes.

        • ϻеƌųʂɑ
          24 months ago

          Anthropology major I think part of the argument was that since all primates share a common ancestor, when does it stop being functional for reproductive purposes? Is Tuvok sterile like a mule?

          Seriously this is why I stopped watching these things with this person. It’s like watching a war movie with a veteran.

    134 months ago

    Good point! Now we need one of the artists on Lemmy or somebody has to be brave and crosspost this somewhere else.

    • @StillPaisleyCat
      64 months ago

      Or just tag one of the artists who posts on Mastodon. They’ll get the notification and can decide whether they want to respond here or not.

      Vfx head Brian Tatosky did that when I that on another post.

      Unfortunately, I can’t recall which of the animators have seen posting on Mastodon.