I’m very grateful that #AnonymousOverflow exists and was already in place to give us refuge when #Stackexchange et al returned to #Cloudflare’s jail. I use this search service because it automatically integrates (SE→AO) replacement:


A search led to this thread:


The three links in the itemized links all point to Stackexchange, which puts the exclusion problem back in our face – for those who are blocked from Cloudflare. Anonymous Overflow (AO) should eat its own #dogFood. Like the fabiomanganiello search service, AO should replace SE links with AO links within SE pages.

Yes, it may be a bit tricky because AO has a number of instances which go up and down. The onion ones are quite flaky. In principle, SE links should be replaced with the same instance the article is viewed on.

This #bug is posted here because the bug tracker is exclusively on MS #Github:
