Even before the court ruled in favor of this vulgar fiction, state authorities relied on the concept to intimidate and jail women

Something that’s important to remember about last week’s ruling by the Alabama supreme court, which held that frozen embryos were persons under state law, is that the very absurdity of the claim is itself a demonstration of power. That a frozen embryo – a microscopic bit of biological information that can’t even be called tissue, a flick laden with the hopes of aspiring parents but fulfilling none of them – is equivalent in any way to a child is the sort of thing you can only say if no one has the power to laugh at you. The Alabama supreme court is the final court of review in that state. It cannot be appealed. For the foreseeable future, frozen cells in Alabama have the same legal status there as you or I do. Is this an absurd elevation of the status of an embryo, or an obscene degradation of human beings? The answer, of course, is both.

  • eran_morad@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    No fucking shit, the whole point of all this backward crap coming from the inbreds is to oppress women and the middle/lower classes. Jesus fuck, can you people really not see through this?