• Wisconcom@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    What you said is a complete mischaracterisation of Enver Hoxha and Hoxhaism.

    The People’s Republic of China has taken an openly Anti-Marxist path, selling out its people to Western Megacorporations, and adopting bourgeois-nationalism as part of its ideology.

    Enver Hoxha never claimed to be the only “true” Marxist, nor do Hoxhaists claim that the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania was the only true Socialist State.

    Saying that:

    • Marxism is unchanging and rigid and no one can ever do anything different based on their country’s material conditions and circumstances. If a country ever makes mistakes, does anything I personal disagree with, it is an evil revisionist capitalist hellscape.*

    Is false, considering that Hoxhaists fundimetally oppose the imperialism of NATO and uphold national self-determination.

    And lastly claiming that:

    The US and the west are evil, but I utilize their information channels for all of my opinions of other countries, or I base all my opinions on purist infighting from the 1970s and won’t ever accept that there may be alternate paths to the same goal. You are stupid and wrong for having a different opinion than me, revisionist pig.

    Is utterly false. Everything I said is based on empirical information, not what the State Department said. You can use information, not based off Western-sources, to prove the large existance of billionaires in the PRC government and the Communist Party of China. You can prove that the SOEs only make up less than 25% of the economy, and so on. I am simply adhering to Revolutionary defeatism.