** Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Echoes #4**
Written by: Marc Guggenheim
Art by: Oleg Chudakov
Cover by: Jake Bartok

Tensions are at an all-time high with Chekov in a dire medical state while his evil doppelgänger, Akris, is supplying the Romulans with the Nightbringer weapon. The Enterprise crew’s mission is clear: infiltrate the Romulan dreadnought and destroy the Nightbringer before Akris can bring the destruction he’s inflicted upon his universe into theirs. But can Kirk and Nyota set their differences aside to ensure a peaceful resolution and avoid sparking a war with the Romulans?

  • USSBurritoTruckOPM
    1 year ago

    I enjoyed this issue of Echoes more than the previous installments, but it still isn’t doing much for me. Guggenheim seems to be cramming as many character flourishes – little Kirkisms, and Spockisms, and McCoyisms – into the issues as he can, and it makes the characters read like parodies of themselves. Also, the art has not grown on me at all.

    I did like the opening scene with the Federation President though.