Is “hate” such a bad word?

I’ve had some people tell Me not to use it, had Reddit go nutters and ban Me for maybe using it too much… at least that’s how I feel / felt ( that’s my guess that they banned me for this reason )

Anyways 🤨🤔 when I got bullied / mocked by my best friends ( at least whom I thought was my best friend ) I began to despise / resent / hate that person. Now despite the feeling I’ve in my head / heart ; I certainly don’t want anything bad to happen to my ex best friend / friend.

It’s the same with the country 😦😔 I live in; I think it’s hurt n hurting a lot of people n I hate the policies and brutality the stark/great inequality it has. However I do wish shit would get better for all in this country; first and foremost.

So I guess I am saying / asking… Just because I hate someone/ something / some place ; soooo that’s not the same as hate speech right?

tldr: I hate how some people act like You shouldn’t use that word (hate) n or act like it’s inappropriate or what ever. Drives me nuts.

    1 year ago

    I think it’s not, especially in the cases you describe.

    Someone tormented you for fun. It’s not wrong to hate that person, it’s just to do so.

    Your country is doing wrong; you’re supposed to oppose that. It should make you angry.

    People who conflate those feelings of righteous indignation with hate speech don’t have a very firm grasp on what either of those things means. You’re talking about hating cruelty and injustice; you’re supposed to do that.

    Whereas hate speech supports the oppression of or violence towards already marginalized people. It’s about hating categories of people for who or what they are, almost universally for things outside their control. Hating bullies, hating people who perpetuate injustice, isn’t about hating a person for their immutable nature, it’s about being seriously pissed off about their callous, selfish, or otherwise cruel actions.

      1 year ago


      Thanks. That’s what I figured. But the way You put it; I think I get / understand this better now.

      Maybe 😏🤔 the folks I bumped into or have acted in this fashion been taught " hate is a strong word n you shouldn’t use it" or something.

      P.S. your username is hilarious 😂😆