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The original was posted on /r/simracing by /u/o-l-o on 2023-08-11 18:43:02+00:00.

This is a dumb post, but I was pretty surprised to learn this.

Tony Kanaan has an 80/20 rig that is sold at Microcenter:

He also has his signature wheel base, rim, and pedals:

It seems that if you went to Microcenter and bought this rig and the Asetek TK base and pedals, you’d get home and not be able to use your wheel and pedal since the rig aims for Simucube compatibility.

I’m not looking to buy either of these, but the lack of compatibility was annoying. I am looking to upgrade pedals and would rather get a real 8020 rig than drill into my GTTrack, which seems to not support anything outside of entry level. I won’t be buying TK products though.