Pretty damning review.

    1 year ago

    The points about the review of the Billet Labs product are wildly out of context, specially the clips from the WAN show, and are treated really unprofessionally by GN. When Linus talks about the product being a bad product he is specifically saying that it being designed for a 3090 and being priced at 800 makes it a bad product because nobody with that cash to spend would buy a premium waterblock for a last gen gpu. Zero mention of this from GN, only cheap shots about irresponsible statements that can sink a small company. From the consumers perspective it is a bad product. By the way, will that standard of testing everything in the perfect condition according to the marketing be applied to the big companies? I hope not, because consumers don’t need “reviewers” reproducing marketing points. They need reviewers looking at the product from a consumers POV.