• Carighan Maconar
    482 months ago

    That’s worrying, albeit I will say that in a city as large as NY, even +21 infections don’t sound significant. At least to me as an outside.

    • @TurboDiesel@lemmy.world
      542 months ago

      MTA workers, Dept of Sanitation workers, NYCHA workers… So many people who work for the city. All it takes is one hangnail or paper cut.

    • @disguy_ovahea@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      The human to rat ratio in NYC is 8:3. It’s not just affecting the unhoused, but also people who work in rat infested areas. Probably sanitation, subway, plumbing, masonry repair, etc.

      • @OpenStars
        2 months ago

        I wonder how many are the migrants bussed there from Texas.

        Edit: the article mentions that it is at least partly due to climate change as well.

        • Kalkaline
          92 months ago

          Who knows, but obviously we should be getting those folks healthcare and a place to live.

          • @OpenStars
            -32 months ago

            Just like all the other Americans, right? (meme reference)

            (but more seriously) The migrants are not used to that environment, and especially may fall into such traps more than people who know the area.

            • Kalkaline
              82 months ago

              Healthcare and housing is a basic human necessity, it should be provided to everyone in a rich nation like ours and we should be meeting people’s basic needs at minimum.

            • the post of tom joad
              2 months ago

              While it is possible, your idea is not really plausible. I get what you’re thinking, but don’t mistake the correlation (that they are there relatively recently) as causation. Do you understand how blaming migrants for diseases is both a cop-out for the state (who receives taxes that provide health services (medical and sanitary))? How about how the fact blaming migrants for disease is proven throughout history to be a very dangerous road? It’s also at its core a racist idea, for one must make the assumption foreign migrants don’t know basic hygiene.

              Clear your mind of these frivolous thoughts. No, it’s not migrants brother, it’s our crumbling country.

              • @OpenStars
                42 months ago

                I never said anything at all about “blaming” them, even if they did happen to be found at the center of this horrible situation. There are a lot of people who while sitting in the comfort of their mansions are very free to make a lot of choices - e.g. the Texas governor who sent them there under false pretenses - but recent immigrants, especially those fleeing persecution at home, are typically those least free and capable to avoid e.g. scams from a scummy landlord who may receive rent money in return for substandard housing where rats might be found.

                Also the article talked about a change after 2020, and the influx of immigrants who were promised to go one place but then somehow ended up in a city not of their choosing seems to fit that criteria of something different than the two decades prior to that where infection rates were low.

                • the post of tom joad
                  2 months ago

                  If it’s not clear, I’m not attacking you, or saying you are racist, or anything like that. I’m saying you must be careful with your wording because as you said just now, even if it were to be shown that the migrants were at the center, it wouldn’t be their fault.

                  The point I’m pushing (and you’re free to disagree as it is a subjective one) is simply that "the ACT of mentioning them as a source, even tangentially, is essentially blaming them as a source. I ask that you take the downvotes on your other comments as proof of my claim.

                  Looking at people replying to your comment shows that mentioning the migrants as “a possible source” is easily misconstrued by readers as “blame”. This is cuz language be how it do. You can’t predict how your words will be received, or what they will mean when they are.

                  People receiving those words in this thread are defending the migrants. But not everyone will receive those words the same.

                  People who fear migrants, or people who are scared of how the influx of migrants will affect their lives (and this must be taken into account with our scaremongering clickbaitey media sadly) will read those words and have a new excuse to fear migrants. That’s why in my opinion that bringing them up as a source at all is at best burying the lede, cuz no matter what it would be their treatment (or lack thereof) after coming to this country that would be to blame. So why bring them up at all? Article’s stupid choices aside, I’m talking to you, and trying to convince you there is no good purpose.

    • @GBU_28@lemm.ee
      32 months ago

      Are you serious? They walk on everything, same as housecats (litterbox > kitchen counter)

  • the post of tom joad
    282 months ago

    Only tangentially related to post, but if your never been to New York some of the majesty and magic that you see in all the movies is lost when you go. Specifically if you see in a film set in summer and someone walking by the entrance to any subway in the city? You need to imagine the hot stuffy air that smells like you just opened a sun-baked porto potty door blowing up from underground and assaulting your face as you pass

  • @HopingForBetter@lemmy.today
    112 months ago

    So, without reading the article, I’m assuming it’s lethal to humans and not just an issue where we all need to tell the closest rat to have a glass of cranberry juice for their uti.