• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2023

  • I also find it weird that there are so many together

    I’m not well versed in IDF tactics, however I know the basic of the operation which the Israelis are conducting.

    1. They’re buddled up due to fact these are forces trying to occupy an area of the city, likely some market place, poor tactics really but the IDF are desperate, and they’re not well known to have the most competent leadership.

    2. Israeli’s are using predominately armoured vehicles rather than infantrymen, it’s like the polar opposite of Ukraine. The reason’s for this is urban compact requires Armor to shield itself from small arms fire, Palestinian snipers are also very well trained, and several IDF soldiers testify just how effective they are.

    3. Mobility kills don’t really matter, if the tank crew abandons the armoured vehicles, its effectively gone. And the IDF are likely never going to recover these vehicles, it’s simply not a strategy which the military command, nor the cowardly IDF soldiers are ever going to do.

  • Don’t worry guys, we just need 5 more years of genocide joe Joey our friendly uncle sam, hopefully he’ll listen to us instead of voting off crime bills! Or voting to send weapons to bomb & kill, Or breaking up railway strikes, or passing corporate lobbyist laws in his home state Delaware, or giving money to the MIC, or giving more subsidies to corporations, or removing all the welfare benefits after covid-19.

    You know what? This gag is unfunny, fuck joe biden supporters, you middle class shits would rather have a concentration camp in your garden rather than socialist reforms

  • I absolutely hate this term, what you thought that little fucking bubble of comfort was going to shield you from the mistakes committed by society?

    The pendulum doesn’t give a shit where it swings, the era of comfort during the golden era of neoliberalism was Interim period, and it was only reserved for those belonging to certain few and select areas, I.E. White middle class

    The 90s had a huge crime wave, drug epidemic, homicides, the unravelling of worker’s consciousness, mass unemployment. The 1992 LA riots, the destruction of cities like Miami, Detroit, New York, Pittsburgh and the countless cities in the Midwest, all because some greedy fuckwit bankers got the whole world as a pie to indulge in.

    I wasn’t born in the 90s, and honestly? I can never live for a moment being born then, I would’ve been suffocated by the complete ignorance of the working class, things are bad now since that’s the natural decaying state of capitalism. The thrill and rush of ignorance can only be enjoyed by a select few now, don’t like it? Then fucking change it, stop crying about the past, look to future where you can be happy.

  • Death doesn’t much concern me, I sometimes ponder it but never really have crippling anxiety over. Unfortunately that’s been replaced by another anxiety. The fear that no matter what the proletariat do, the ruling class will simply win next time again. I fear that all the great progress we’ve made in these last years will be tarnished in a cruel replication of the 1980s collapse of the left-wing movements. But I know this will not happen, we will learn, we will evolve, and we will prepare, and we will finally be liberated.

    If I die for a good and just cause such as building up the revolution to free the misery of others, then I’ll be content with it. But it if was for naught, well I would continue to live to spite the ruling parasites, but I would see humanity refusing to evolve past its current stage of development, this is what I greatly fear.

    As if right now I’m playing through disco Elysium, and one of the paths is Harry becoming a communist. He abandons alcohol, and takes up organizing, but in truth he simply replaced an addiction for substances, for an addiction to liberation. That’s how I operate within this capitalist inhumane system, replace your rage, anxiety and aspirations for the liberation of this evil system.

    You are a comrade, You see the true injustices of this system, it isolates and oppresses those who do not fall under its drunk inducing propaganda. And to lose someone like you, we will all lose the potential successes of your talent in our collective liberation, contact your local socialist organisation, be it the CPUSA or similar, and begin organising, and in the future, look back and be proud of the millions you helped in achieving our struggle.

    This is only coming from me, as I found that my passion belonged to the communist movement. If this does not work do not worry! It just means you’ve yet to find your passion. You’re never too old to find talent, or meaning, never, we humans change throughout our lives. We will all fix our problems collectively.

  • Agreed on the first paragraph, this is why there should be a Marxist-Leninist Vanguard party in charge.

    Capitalists cannot solve or improve the materialist conditions of people nowadays, they steal, plunder, lie, murder, bomb etc. Only a worker’s party can truly improve a nation’s wellbeing without resorting to awful exploitation. The capitalists always pander’s propaganda to the general populace in order to divide people’s into lines of hatred, the populace of Russia, and the collective west are told to hate each other, any deviances or questioning this hatred would be questioned and punished, similar to how wartime ww1 and ww2 created ethnic hatred amongst workers belonging to imperialist countries.

    I suggest reading Das Kapital as introduction on how the capitalists continuously abuse the populace. Or maybe read a quick summary if you don’t have the time.

  • Honestly It’s funny when you mention to libs that Ukraine itself has made law which forbids itself from negotiating with Russia. But russia is the unreasonable one?

    And the goal of regime change in russia is particularly funny, like not even fully leaving ukraine are they satisfied with this. So the idea that peace can be obtained is for russia to leave, yet the ukranians themselves don’t even want this. Delusional people who are miserably failing this war.

    (P.S. For you chuds and libs who are banned from lemmygrad, I cannot see your message, Real shame, and I cannot be bothered logging on to your alt-right platforms to engage with these illuminating comments).

  • Living in with left-wing family in a working class area certainly helped me understand leftism as a whole, although they are anti-ML I started believing in this ideology when I saw a video summarising stalin’s constitution. I really liked the constitution, everyone has a guaranteed right to work, eat, and live. And began to think that stalin’s wasn’t actually this megalomaniacal, killpeopleist, totalitarian dictator, then I started questioning why this was the case.

    (Also as silly as this sounds, COD waw really made me like the soviets, since it introduced me to the fascist crimes against humanity.)

  • "It is almost a requirement that “Putin’s Brain”, as Dugan is known as, be a mad fascist. When an assassination attempt meant for him got his daughter, Dugina, instead - Putin personally granted her the Order of Courage “ What the does entail at all? first the order of courage is nothing more than ceremonial appreciation, the fact that his dead daughter, rather than him got this medal shows there’s nothing to your sentence. Explain accurately what you mean here, as you’ve yet to explain how dugin is the ‘Mind of Putin’ despite not even being a scholar, nor an endorsed publicator, far all I can tell, he’s a rambling lunatic akin to alex jones.

    “Do you know that the intelligence services in the UK suspected, investigated & warned about Russian interference in our elections” I care very little on MI5 has to say really, the ones who faked a dossier on Iraqi WMDs, the intelligence agency which recently held classified documents on its support of fascist militia’s in Italy. You expect me to believe an ounce of truth to their credibility? Laughable. You’re anti-democratic rhetoric is also noticeable, you believe the Scottish independence referendum, and Brexit was caused by Russian FB disinformation campaign? on what Facebook? Have you thought of the possibility that Mark Zuckerberg handed nothing since there’s absolutely nothing to hand over? Maybe try questioning things yourself before believing a word from the sky.

    "Putin did not create Brexit but his FB disinformation campaign, as shown by Cambridge Analytica, could have been used. The intent was already in a printed manual. " Where on earth did you get this from? Interesting observation, did Cambridge Analytica come up with this, or was this some little insert you put in there? Anyways read this since it disproves this bullshit :). And the Cambridge Analytica article you’re talking about (please provide sources) the once which came after the dossier that Cambridge Analytica had Russian spies? Was written by an intern who only worked for 2 days.

    "This was a serious enquiry not some conspiracy bs. " No it really is just bullshit, not the first time MI5 have came up with falsified and doctored information and won’t be the last. Oh and also read this as well, ohhh 97 cense on this disinformation campaign? Wow russia must really be this effective. This calls for 10000% increase in state funded to intelligence agencies wouldn’t you agree?

    “Have you actually read that book at all? I doubt you did & if you did then you did not understand it at all. Try again & while you’re learning, go read Zbigniew Brzezinski. Don’t bother me again until you know what you’re talking about & can speak like a grown up.”

    No I have not read this book of Zbigniew Brzezinsk, the godfather of western think tanks, you want me to read the perspective of this man? I know what he wants, “Regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.” Oh wow you recommended me a book by a guy who’s furious against countries such as Russia and China for not agreeing on his petty little plan for a western world order dictated by capital bankers, managers, and their politicians? He must not be biased at all!

    You have spouted nothing but anti-democratic and warmongering belfies this entire jumbled and hardly coherent text you wrote, and the fact you quote and tell me read the creator of western propaganda think tanks proves nothing, I will not read a book attributed by Zbigniew Brzezinsk, a man who had funded and expanded the oligarchic nature of the American presidency, by setting up the trilateral commission. Anyways I find it ironic how you recommend me reading a book of Zbigniew Brzezinsk, a man who actually directs western strategic thinking, no doubt you’ll deny this (or maybe not, you’re very open to being western propagandist mouthpiece), and bring up how dugin has always controlled the Duma legislation and being the ‘putin mind’ utterly childish wording and honestly? just absolute delusion. Your only evidence is this medal he gave to dugin’s daughter, fucking laughable. What next, you’ll tell me osama bin laden had links to Saddam Hussein’s government? You are the type of person who would come up with this shit.

    And I really do not care if you fuck off, I’ve already shown to people you’ve wrote nothing meaningful, and contribute dangerous thinking. Your anti-democratic, obvious hatred of non-western countries, the lack of sources (other than the biggest propagandist Zbigniew Brzezinsk), and of course that little condensing tone? Ha are you perhaps affiliated with MI5 itself? Can’t be the case though, if you are their standards are really slipping, and I’ll advise you right now to help you out a bit, you’ll have to change your incoherent rant into something far more understandable.

    Unlike you I’ve provided my sources, won’t you do the same? Unless you’ve yet to grow up and accept you’re nothing but a propagandist, spouting stooge.