BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 21 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 4th, 2022


  • The main problem i have with this entire train of thought is that it’s completely untethered from anything material and is therefore fundamentally wrong no matter what conclusions you’re trying to draw. Well actually my main problem is that you’re using this thinking to make (whether intentional or not) an anti-semtic conclusion which makes it way worse. But I’m going to focus on the first thing, because that’s where i think where you’re making a common mistake and stumbling into antisemitism.

    Religion is a part of culture. Culture is an outgrowth of the base of society/system. The system itself is driven by material reality. Culture can work to reinforce and strengthen the system, in fact that’s the main point of it, but it doesn’t dictate the actions of the system. Colonialism, imperialism, genocide aren’t caused by religion, anymore than they could be caused by a movie or a song.

    This relationship is also why religions are malleable. Religions change and peoples relationship to them changes because they are in a subservient relationship to material drivers. The easiest thing to look at is the period of religious upheaval in Christianity coinciding with the emergence of capitalism (Protestant Reformation, 30 years War, English Civil War, development of Calvanism, etc.) - and the need for theology to either adapt to be compatible or become discarded.

    The kind logic you’re using is predicated on idealism the belief that ideas are the primary driver behind reality and actions. That applied to religion is the MO of nu athiest pseudointellectuals like Golden Girls fortune heir Sam Harris. He’s known for making your exact same arguement but in an Islamophobic way - the target being Muslims and not Jews.

    It’s hard to understand how you don’t get that saying Judaism is genocidal is incredibly antisemitic. But a lot of people repeated Harris’s bullshit and claimed they weren’t Islamophobic by hiding behind one hadith or another as proof that Muslims are evil. Some may not have understood. Harris may not have even really understand how rascist he is because is exceptionally stupid. So you might not mean it. If you don’t want people to call you antisemitic you need to do a little self-criticism and examine what you really think and want to say here.

  • I understand why you see things that way because you’re a liberal and not a Marxist. Reform makes sense if you come at these problems from the perspective of liberalism. The problem is that the it really isn’t an issue of systems feeding into each other - it is the system- liberal democracy and who controls and why it exists in the first place that’s the issue.

    You bring up good questions about why liberal democracy looks different in Europe than the US. There are a lot of reasons for that, but what matters is that liberal democracy performs exactly the same function in Europe as it does in the US. It doesn’t matter if theres one party or twelve, ranked choice or first past the post. I’m not argueing that one or the other isn’t better, i just don’t think it matters whether the system of bourgeois rule is slightly better or not.

  • anyone is an idiot for being naive enough to vote.

    I don’t think you’re an idiot or naive. If you’re voting i think youre supporting genocide.

    The absolutely most bizarre thing about this interaction is you over-reading into my comment about Trump supporters to claim that I’m parading as a self-superior acting liberal

    At least the Trump supporters I could write off as too ignorant, undereducated and manipulated to know better.

    I don’t see how that’s a mischaraterization. And yes obviously i think your a liberal, you are. You’re a genocide supporter.

    This is some really fucked up, perverse gatekeeping on your part.

    You can stop being a liberal and not support genocide. If I’m gatekeeping then yes that is the line. Are you choosing to support genocide and voting? If the answer is yes, you are on the wrong side of the gate

    You say you liked my first post. My second post and this one are exactly the same. That’s why we think Bernie should go away now. We don’t want or need to collaborate with genocide supporters