• 5 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024


  • The US had a 2x mortality rate of Canada. 6x higher compared to South Korea, 10x of Japan the first two years of Covid. Even going with the lowest number, about 500,000 Americans could have survived with even marginally competent leadership. One that might not have…

    1. Disbanded the Pandemic response team Obama set up.
    2. Undercut the messaging from the CDC because Trump couldn’t handle Fauci having a higher approval rating than him.
    3. Spewed constant misinformation about everything from bleach, sunlight to ivermectin while professionals were desperately trying to do their job.
    4. Intentionally dragging his feet on the relief effort because someone told him that it was hitting the cities first and the Democrats would be most affected.
    5. Goddamn masks. All he had to do was go on TV and tell his little cultists to wear the damn things, and we could have prevented so much of the deaths that came from the original strain/Delta. (Not Omicron)

    … Hitler killed less Americans than Trump did. That’s just facts.

  • Are democrats the ones sending death threats to judges, prosecutors, jury members, children who were raped on Epstein’s Island and now Army attendants? Hell, the parents of of the kids who were murdered at Sandy Hook had to deal with death threats and people accusing them of being crisis actors for a decade thanks to fuckers like Alex Jones.

    It’s telling that you found the need to defend this type of activity. It seems… unamerican. Cowardly.

    Might be time for a long look in the mirror and ask yourself where you went wrong. You can still turn back.

    Is this who you really want to be?

  • Polls can be worded to show bias. The primaries showed exactly what the current reality of the situation is. When AIPAC weighs in, the candidate they’re trying to burn loses. They ‘burned’ two members of the squad and left two. The two they chose not to campaign against won their primaries, they two they did? Lost.

    It’s almost like they wanted to send a message. “We can fuck you up, don’t get too far out of line”.

    At least as it stands now, the number of people who are willing to actually show up to vote for congressmen/women that vocally support Palestine isn’t enough to match the funding advantage their opponents will have.

    All the more reason that telling folks to not vote unless they get what they want is counterproductive. No amount of talking and protesting or complaining online matters. The only thing that counts is actually showing up and voting.

  • You know how those commercials for toothpaste will say something like, “4 out of 5 doctors agree! Crest Whitening Formula is the best toothpaste on the market!”

    … It’s not 4 out of 5. It’s more like… 999 out of 1000 when you actually query epidemiologists. These people do this for a living. And bluntly, without disrespect… they are so, so much smarter than you or I ever will be. And this is the area they chose to specialize in and spent their whole lives studying.

    You don’t just ‘get’ to go work at the CDC. That’s the equivalent of the NBA of doctors. They’re such a prestigious organization that most other countries name their pandemic management centers after our CDC. And if they tap you to come work for them? You just go. They’re basically humanity’s first line of defense to make sure our overpopulated behinds don’t get jacked by the next Ebola or Smallpox that might be lurking around the corner.

    If a global community of doctors with these qualifications say something related to ‘their’ field? Just shut up and listen, man. I swear, most of you have more respect for your plumber or electrician than you do for someone who is likely smarter than anyone you’ve ever met in real life.

  • Yes, that was a great comeback. What would have been useful is a logical explanation of how your stance does anything to help Palestinians in the current political climate, but I guess that’s a little too much intellectual labor for you. Turns out, I actually want the same thing you do. Which you would know if you actually bothered to read half of my comments. I’m just not being an idiot about it and ignoring reality.

    If I didn’t actually want to help Palestinians, do you think I’d be sitting here giving folks advice on how to ACTUALLY lock up the government to force them to deal with the Pro-Palestine lobby? The next debt ceiling negotiation is in 1/2025. You know, that thing we do every two years that we use to determine FUNDING? For things like sending money to Israel?

    Just a couple of Pro-Palestinian congressmen in office, enough to keep the Democrats from obtaining outright majority (assuming they even win it back in the first place) could have been a game changer. But no, the few voices we had in congress lost their primaries.

    Tell me more about how you shouldn’t have to vote if you don’t want to.

    You’re doing great, with whatever the hell you’re doing. Keep up the good work.