• 12 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2022


  • When they mean minor in this case, they are referring to children 16 and older who have parental approval, and the approval of at least one psychiatrist and psychologist who have determined that a surgery is medically required to treat body dysphoria and that there is no other option.

    There is nowhere on the planet that 10 year olds are getting surgeries, but the phrase “trans minors” is used by reactionaries to obfuscate the issue and make people believe that the phrase is referring to small children.

    Further, receiving approval for a gender affirming surgery as a minor is horrifically difficult. The process takes several years as the child must have a substantiated and documented history of body dysphoria by medical professionals. A process that is costly, time consuming, and emotionally and mentally draining. If a person is not committed they will simply not be able to follow through; as it would be like putting your legs in an industrial just for fun. No sane person is doing that just because they feel like it.

    Trans affirming surgeries have an astonishingly negligible regret and reversal rate. Hip replacement surgeries have a regret rate magnitudes higher for example. This is because of how arduous and thorough the screening process is.

  • The title is overblown and ragebait. The Department of Health was considering changing their medical guidelines regarding surgery, but they were just floating the idea. The proposal was to lower the minimum age for hysterectomies and genital surgery from 18 to 17, and mastectomies from 16 to 15, as they are technically minors, but the Department of Health stated they couldn’t scientifically justify reducing the age due to the high probability of complications and liability. So they scrapped the plans.

    Transmasc minors can still get mastectomies at 16, trans fems can get breast implants at 17, and hormone treatments can still begin at 14-16, with puberty blockers before then.

    Anyway, still doesn’t mean Biden cares at all about trans people. He probably forgot they exist.

  • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.mlOn Trans rights in China
    5 days ago

    Not in the state of marriage.

    This is disappointing, especially since same-sex couples are not allowed to marry. They are essentially purposefully and cruelly soft locking a person out of marriage entirely.

    The requirement for sexual reassignment surgery to legally change genders is also disappointing, since that can possibly do more harm then good, as a significant portion of transgender individuals either do not want to complete a full course of reassignment surgery, such as only doing a mastectomy but not bottom surgery as a trans man; or do not want to undergo any surgery at all. So forcing the person to undergo surgery and become dysphoric with their body, or give up hope of legally changing their gender is disappointing.

    Hopefully the sex change surgery requirement is dropped soon, Japan dropped a similar law in the Fall of 2023. Same goes for the marriage requirement.

    Received psychological and psychiatric treatment for at least 1 year prior to the surgery and is ineffective.

    That is also a very gross requirement. Psychiatric analysis is vital, but trying to be “treated” by a psychologist for a year to even be considered transgender is backwards.

  • There is no such thing as a “perfect” communist. Not to mention you cannot choose your family.

    Fidel’s family owned a massive plantation and owned servants. Mao’s family were incredibly wealthy capitalists, and so forth.

    What matters most if your actions. Not the actions of others. Merely associating with a family member who works in the Home office is not some horrific sin. It’s not like she’s a devout Neo-Nazi or something akin to that.