• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Oh, phrenology’s been back for a while. Or at the very least, these idiots have been taking tape measures to bones because of bigoted nonsense. Phrenology in the historical sense might actually be too complex for them.

    Incel communities have long been touting the existence of a dating appeal hierarchy based on “canthal tilt” and “hunter eyes.” They believe that you’re born more or less likely to pick up “Stacies” based on the subtle shape of your eyebrows and chin. Meanwhile, “transvestigators” take the “we can always tell” insistence of transphobes to such insane depths that they think they can tell from photographs and video that every person they see on TV is transgender and secretly part of a literal satanic cult because of minute observations that they think they’re making about celebrity bone structure. Oh, yeah, and it’s a huge staple of transphobia just in general. “Transvestigators” have just raised it to what they think is an art form, but is really just raw, concentrated delusion.

    Never underestimate the depths of pseudoscience to which people will stoop in order to create out-groups. You will always be disappointed.

  • I’m in camp “Midwestern American who says tuna fish”. . .but I’m also right there with the person that said they don’t order them and tuna fish sandwiches are something made at home.

    For the record, I don’t know why the fish part is specified. It just always was. It’s not like my family called it a “can of tuna fish” growing up or anything. It’s just the sandwiches. Put that tuna between two slices of bread and suddenly the word “fish” gets thrown in there. Maybe it just sounds more fun if you add more syllables? Either that or somebody in the region had to explain that tuna was a kind of fish years and years ago and it just stuck.

  • I can relate HARD.

    I’ve been working on mine since I upgraded to playing Skyrim on PC a YEAR ago. I had a laptop break on me and switched to a desktop in that time span. Sometimes I make it long enough to even try a quest mod. Forgotten City. Clockwork. Initially I had no clue how to run Dyndolod. Gave up on it. Then I found a tutorial video that explained it and tried again, and it worked. In this time frame SKSE and especially animation mods have worked on the latest version of Skyrim, been broken, and worked again.

    At one point I decided to switch to a joke playthrough. I shuffled through a lot of stuff, but when I settled on my humor mods, that was the furthest I made it. Did a couple LotD quests and went through like half of The Wheels of Lull. I really liked the writing on that one, although I cheesed some frustrating layouts and bosses in the last part I did with a grappling hook mod and a mod that let me summon a non-offensive swarm of chickens. Keeping those. But before the next stage could trigger, I petered out. I. . .I think I might have gotten fed up with Nazeemic, a mod that spawned Nazeems in the leveled lists, which only got really out of hand at the level I was at? And then I wanted to try The Great City of Winterhold, but OH, NO! A couple of my joke mods were incompatible, and no one made patches! So I went back to planning for serious roleplay. Partially. And since I felt all of the LotD and Lull quests started too early, I downloaded a patch for LotD and kicked Lull’s quest start levels up massively in xEdit. Did the same thing for The Forgotten City and Clockwork, too. Hopefully that doesn’t break anything!

    And of course the graphics and overhaul mods. Initially resisted on most of them. But the switch from laptop to desktop made me curious just how much of a power upgrade it was. I installed one or two at first. Happy Little Trees was one I really wanted. Dyndolod for it wasn’t working for me for months and I gave up on that too, but I very recently discovered it was some really stupid user error. Fixed it. I also installed a couple of The Great Towns because they expanded content. Shor’s Stone. Karthwasten. But after seeing The Great City of Winterhold, it became an addiction. Endless mesh, texture, and town replacers ensued, and are ensuing. My PC storage is starting to creak.

    Enhanced Solitude in particular was a real head-scratcher. When I tried it on my laptop, it was broken in all sorts of ways. It added a replacement torch mesh without a texture. Entering the bathhouse crashed my game. And of course, the reported lag was true for me as well. But after seeing The Great City of Winterhold, I cautiously decided to try again resolving to investigate further since I’d learned to better read crash logs, and despite it being the exact same file. . .none of these things happened? My laptop was just weak enough that it somehow caused all kinds of chaos. I still made a personal patch deleting some of the extra NPCs, though, just in case. And a couple decor items I subjectively didn’t find aesthetically pleasing. And I’m thinking of making another at some point to add Sweets and Such items to the bakers, or at least the baker on the street since his inventory is sad. Considering the perms, maybe I could even upload them if I feel satisfied enough.

    I remember drawing on top of a meme in anticipation of Xelzaz 1.7. I’m now planning to tell myself “OK, NOW I’m done for sure” when Xelzaz 1.10 comes out.

    It’s always something.

    . . .

    Haven’t seen a yak shaving mod, but there is a cow tipping one, BTW.

    Yes I have it installed.

  • He doxxed himself. Honestly, not the brightest move. Somehow it took until everyone on the internet turned on him for him to realize that wasn’t a good idea. Wasn’t just his real name, either, I just realized that his mod also made a point of sharing another piece of information that would allow people to find him exactly. And to a dangerous degree, too, considering he was using the mod to memorialize a trans woman who passed away.

    Honestly I just kind of ignore the part where he’s arguing that, he’s trying to clean up his online footprint that he objectively screwed up because he already had his open personal info used against him and now he’s freaked out. Which I don’t hold against him really, mistakes are mistakes and being in this kind of situation would cloud anyone’s head from stress. It was just. . .also another mistake to assume malice when a lot of people were unaware. Even considering the, uh. Tension involved.

    . . .TBH, the word “doxx” has been tossed around like a ragdoll this whole time and I don’t think anyone’s used it accurately once.

    Hopefully some lessons are at least learned from all this.

  • Now that new information is out, I have an additional post I’d like to make about something odd that I saw in the initial Reddit thread, that I feel now has new context with what was revealed in the new Reddit thread.

    So, in the new Reddit thread, THIS was the middle paragraph of what Gore’s mod author posted and part of the video, which, uh

    At the tail end of this video, alarycia claimed that Thallassa, and the other Skyrim mods subreddit admins and discord mods, bought her [NSFW] to blackmail her about her [NSFW], and that they were behind all of this. If you’ve seen any of what happened on the subreddit, you would know thallassa was the mod she and mooky went to publicly denounce us on the subreddit and have in her corner. It is our belief she made these allegations up about them, just like she did the ones about us, so our two modmin teams would not have any communication. So that she could get away with cutting and cropping DM’s and tell Thallassa that she was doing so because she was [smack] taking other women in our server that she tried to involve in this. The reality is she was [smack] talking thal and making horrific allegations about her, and the other women on their modmin team.

    Even in this crazy situation, this is absolutely insane. But I’d been thinking about something odd that mookymilk posted in the initial Reddit thread for a while that I think this might just put into additional context.

    All things considered, [Gore developer’s name] could’ve just taken the L on the mod, rather than have his actions exposed publicly. You would have rathered no one know and just kept developing your mod. It was the merciful option so as not to cause an uproar.


    is weird.

    The more I stared at it, the more it didn’t make sense. Wouldn’t taking down the mod draw attention publicly to Hayden’s actions? Wouldn’t ceasing development draw more attention? How would this situation involve Gore’s mod author “taking the L” on the mod, when Gore actually had nothing to do with the accusations posted outside of being how everyone met? How would taking it down be “the merciful option so as to not cause an uproar?”

    And the more I stared at it, the more I was like. . .wait, doesn’t that sound like blackmail?

    Like none of the allegations were ever the point, and for whatever twisted reason this was all one huge ruse to get Hayden to take Gore down?

    And I was like, no, no, if I say that I’ll look insane. Even I felt a little crazy for thinking it.

    But in light of the information exonerating Gore’s developer, it’s been put into a bit of a different perspective for me. If Alarycia and mookymilk claimed that everything they did to Gore’s developer was stuff he actually did to them. . .and now with the new information presented, they’ve been caught claiming that the Reddit mod that stood up for them blackmailed them, it puts it in a different light. What if all this was blackmail in some bizarre fashion? And this statement in the initial Reddit thread just. . .slipped out, because mooky was so excited to carry on the ruse that she accidentally hinted at the truth.

    . . .I don’t know, this has been a wild situation, and it has me thinking some wild things.

  • . . .ehh?? Well that explains why the comments section for it unlocked and then locked again.

    Looking at RabbittWinri’s Discord, he seems to have decided to. . .go back to working on it like nothing happened???

    Which is frickin’ weird, but the messed up thing is that it only really tells us more about our own biases than what’s actually going on. If he’s guilty, then of course he wants to evade consequences for the whole thing. And if he’s innocent, the allegations he made were serious enough that he probably just wants everyone targeting him to buzz off. Because, you know, the reason he initially decided to stop was because he was being targeted, and now he intends to take other routes to deal with the situation.

    . . .Looking at back at mooky’s post, the image where she says she has doxxing receipts has screenshots of him actually attesting to the fact that he was going to do exactly the above, so I guess we could have technically found out sooner. . .but it’s the exact same post where she kept lying about other topics for no fathomable reason, so I’ve started placing under deeper scrutiny what the context could be and why she would say that. Frankly I think there’s a theme of Gore’s dev doing things that look incredibly suspicious, but far more so if you already presume guilt out of him. The litigation threats towards the women are real as per what RabbittWinri told me, but if his friends and family were actually targeted he actually has grounds. . .plus can’t Alarycia countersue if he’s serious? If he’s lying, good luck in court I guess.

    I’m going to guess the threat to contact (presumably mooky’s) college is also real (and worded in an entirely childish manner that doesn’t help his case), but that’s. . .not actually doxxing unless he says what college it is publicly, which the screenshot conspicuously doesn’t show. Doxxing is posting someone’s private contact information online, not alluding to the fact that you might have some of it. Which tracks, because in some comments that I think the mods deleted but are still visible on mooky’s page, she also accuses RabbittWinri of doxxing the Kaidan 2 Extended server, which is. . .also not what happened. She links the exact same thread I did in another post at one point, which very clearly just posts people’s Discord names. There was no personal information presented at any point. That is, at most, exactly as much doxxing as mooky is doing herself constantly bringing up RabbittWinri’s friend. I mean, as far as the Imgur link goes, Hayd contacting their college is unsettling, yes, but doxxing is still different than what’s being shown, and if they contacted his IRL friends and family. . .well, it’s not a good look, but I can see where the motive would come from. And the kicker with that particular screenshot is that it’s cut off at the top in a way that makes Gore’s dev look like a cartoon supervillain, but with a comment that could very easily be referring to mooky and Alarycia. Which wouldn’t prove innocence, either, but is definitely some very deceptive editing if I’m picking up on it correctly.

    For my part, I’m still going to watch the situation cautiously. I’m not going to fully presume innocence of him yet, perhaps it’ll still turn out that he harassed Alarycia and I’m going to look very silly for playing devil’s advocate, but at the absolute minimum I no longer unquestioningly believe anything mooky said. Even the Reddit mod doesn’t know where the heck she came from, the response was basically just “Well, Alarycia has a very good track record on our server, so I have no reason to disbelieve any of this. . .oh, and mooky corroborated it, I guess. No clue who this woman is, but she’s a second witness, so she must be in the clear.”

    Yeah? And I was in Carthage that time when it stopped being Carthage.

    Even if Alarycia is telling the truth, I’m fairly certain at this point that mookymilk at best was contacted by Alarycia the same way RabbittWinri’s friend was, took one look at the accusations made, and decided to take what she thought was a good opportunity for 15 minutes of fame and run with it. And her testimony being bunk raises questions about the whole thing. Does she seem normal outside of this incident? Yeah, but like. I’ve unknowingly hung out with not one, but two different guys that pretended to be their own girlfriends online for attention and was clueless for years, along with an entire community of other people. Both of them faked all kinds of other bizarre drama as well and people didn’t realize until things eventually came to a head. It wasn’t a focus for people because, 99% of the time, they just posted normal content about their hobbies. People are weird. She wants approval from Alarycia, she wants approval from the Kaidan 2 Extended team, and she wants approval from Reddit. And she’s pleased as punch that she’s getting it.

    Admittedly this post got kind of long and off the original topic, but I wanted to make a point about how perspective plays a big part in how everything comes off. The Reddit mod being exasperated that several people showed them “evidence” of the accusations being fake but it all just being what she saw is probably because all of the information is incredibly ambiguous to the point that people can make contradictory assumptions. I don’t think anyone can claim that Gore’s mod author is a man possessed of the fine art of, ahem, social skills. On the other hand, a massive chunk of the narrative against him is someone who’s clearly just in this whole thing for attention regardless of what literally anyone else’s motives are, so I’m going to just watch the whole thing with narrowed eyes and see what comes of it. While continuing to make note of any developments I can find to see which way the evidence falls.

  • SO. Uh, update on the Gore situation for everyone. Making this a top level post because this is an important development.

    So postgeographix shared this Reddit thread, which I will also link here for convenience, which seemingly has some pretty damning evidence that this was actually a coverup for HaydenDaws harassing a couple of women. After all, there is a lot of it.

    However. . .because I didn’t want to believe that there was some woman-harassing follower mod author conspiracy, I decided to react in the only way a completely psychotic internet weirdo can.

    I absolutely slammed RabbittWinri’s DMs with requests for clarification while she was asleep.

    Which, you know, in and of itself wouldn’t prove anything. I guessed I just assumed I would be able to read the truth from the vibe?

    But no, it actually did, insanely enough and here’s why.

    A couple of hours ago, mookymilk posted an update on the Reddit thread. Not sure why, the Reddit thread is closed, but here it is, in censored form out of respect for RabbittWinri’s concern for her friend. You can find it there yourself, although it might be more respectful of the woman in question’s privacy to simply read the censored excerpt here:

    Also there was a person in this thread who claimed [Blank] would be doxxed by this information, despite not having any information she could’ve been found by, [Blank] isn’t even her real name. That person is a close friend of [blank] who wanted to get my comments about what [blank] revealed taken down because [blank] didn’t want to face any backlash from the Gore team for betraying them with this information. Which again, amplifies that I wasn’t lying about our conversation. [Blank] has since been banned from the Gore server.

    “A person” blatantly refers to RabbittWinri if you actually read through all of the posts on Reddit. So how does this prove anything?

    Babbling incoherently about this was the last thing I did before RabbittWinri woke up, and her very first response was “Real quick, no, Hayd didn’t threaten my friend.”

    So yeah, the whole thing that was said by mookymilk two hours before? Complete lie.

    RabbittWinri didn’t know too much on her end, but apparently her friend was initially on good terms with mooky and Alarycia and was approached by them about Gore_dev’s supposed behavior, including that he was apparently insulting her behind her back. She apparently started getting suspicious and asking for proof (much as I did with RabbittWinri, although that ended much more amicably), and they promptly turned on her and went full Mean Girls. Which is just one person’s word against another, of course, but the narrative disconnect sure isn’t. Like, seriously RabbittWinri was ready to share her side and here I was eyeballing her groggy half-awake first comment like none of it even mattered.

    After having learned about all of the above, I decided to share the quote from mookymilk with RabbittWinri, because Rabbit’s initial response was pretty damning against mooky. Her response to the full quote? Her friend isn’t banned from that server, she just leaves sometimes, that is her friend’s real name, and any screenshots of her friend agreeing with mooky and Alarycia are from the time period where they were initially friendly to her mentioned in the previous paragraph.

    None of which would have made mooky’s narrative look fake if she hadn’t specifically made up a story about how RabbittWinri was just trying to protect her friend from the evil Gore_dev. If RabbittWinri had been depicted as in on it, there would have been no way of knowing anything was fake. Certainly Hayd, RabbittWinri, and their friends weren’t going to say much outwardly. But no.

    The Reddit thread is a scam and a hoax and I feel like fricking Sherlock Holmes solving an unsolvable crime with some stupid minor chunk of evidence all the cops overlooked.

    Edit: Also a couple of hours later she edited it again to say this:

    Their entire server has shut down all further invites and they are also going around banning anyone in there who is not completely on their side or just simply too quiet.

    Also not true. I saw people who were from both there and the Remiel server acting incredibly confused because the entire Gore server was shut down, without warning. There was no simply shutting down invites or “purging of the enemy,” the place just up and closed up shop before the people already there even had time to react.

    Like, mooky’s narrative was so hard to challenge in her initial several pages of information, and now she’s just. . .compulsively lying because she likes the attention? Which, again, the Reddit thread is closed. I don’t even know what the point of this is.

  • Well this is. . .hmm. If this all turns out to be true, then I think my take would be the same as the Reddit thread in that this thread should be kept up so people know the full picture about the scenario. Both scenarios are equally upsetting to me, and the fact that another huge follower mod author who is friends with a large chunk of the follower mod community is drawing a line in the sand over it makes the whole thing even more uncomfortable.

    For the record, I’m familiar with the “beef” that mookymilk mentioned, because the user desperately trying to shout everyone down in that thread documented it in detail.



    Frankly I’m even less sure what to make of RabbitWinri’s reaction to everything happening here than the events themselves. Is it because she feels a friend is being targeted and trusts them too much to assume the worst? Is it because the incident with the Kaidan Extended team made her distrust information that might paint someone more politically aligned with her in the wrong light? Was the Kaidan Extended drama FAKED, considering apparently there’s someone with a reputation for faking Discord posts to stir up drama running around? And if so, was RabbitWinri aware?

    I will also note that before I posted here, I made a (rather more heated) post to the same effect on Tumblr. Not too long -after- I posted here, I was sent a response by someone stating the official story that the Reddit thread states that Gore’s author and his friends are going with in their arguments, that someone had tried to flirt with Gore’s author, been turned down, and proceeded to go ballistic. That response. . .was from FluffySpaceShark, another individual who briefly posted in the Reddit thread to try to defend Hayden against the allegations.

    I have to admit. . .as furious as I was initially making this thread, I also had a strange feeling in the back of my mind that there was something I was missing. I like to assume the best out of people. I just hope that the worst case scenario here, that this was collusion from the mod author community in general, doesn’t turn out to be true.

    EDIT: I have reason to believe that the above three paragraphs were all just paranoia talking. I’m making a new post covering the updated status quo. Found out something critical. This post is still good to have context for the EE drama, though.

  • Ooh! Now this is a fun toy. The answers it gives are often a bit broad strokes (in my case, something might be incompatible with XPMSSE, but it’s hard to tell what), so it’s still not a panacea, but I imagine sooner or later I’m going to snap my game in half in some bizarre way and this thing’s going to spit out an answer I wouldn’t have guessed otherwise. Simple enough to use, too, even if a little unconventional. Just plop it in the same folder as the logs, click a key and watch it spit out a translation for the endless rows of spam in plain English.