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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 5th, 2022

  • Indeed.

    The non-party principle means indifference to the struggle of parties. But this indifference is not equivalent to neutrality, to abstention from the struggle, for in the class struggle there can be no neutrals; in capitalist society, it is impossible to “abstain” from taking part in the exchange of commodities or labour-power. And exchange inevitably gives rise to economic and then to political struggle. Hence, in practice, indifference to the struggle does not at all mean standing aloof from the struggle, abstaining from it, or being neutral. Indifference is tacit support of the strong, of those who rule

    V. I. Lenin

  • О, дополнительный лулз.

    Тяга про-западных блядей к проекциям грехов хозяев на Россию и Китай - это не ново, в конце концов вы, карго-культисты, за хозяевами только повторять и можете, но не перестаёт быть смешным, что псевдолевые дегенераты, искренне считающие себя свободными мыслителями, с пеной у рта защищают центр империализма и главных спонсоров геноцидов, просто потому, что были шокированы реальностью в какой-то момент и не выросли из абстрактного гуманизма.

  • В смысле руками пленных нацистов? Тут жаль только, что их потом домой выпустили.

    Или руками советских преступников, которым платили и было гарантировано трудоустройство после окончания срока, а не полоскание на ветру, как в твоих любимых либеральных залупах, раб?)

  • Drawing on the Chinese example, PuYi abdicated in 1912, then in 1934 the Japanese put him on the throne as Emperor of Manchukuo. 20 years of being just a regular guy (in theory) did not diminish his usedulness as a figurehead.

    That’s pretty much the “strategic situation” I mentioned - there was real risk of them falling into the hands of the Whites. What I meant to point out is that there was no good reason to just up and kill him at the time. Its not like he was in command of the movement or anything.

    More broadly, the focus on the Romanov children is just a vector for the spread of anti-communist propaganda.

    Sure, but not coming from me. Still regrettable, not something to replicate.

    The propaganda aspect is especially obvious since OP’s friend invoked the nonsense emotional appeal of “would you shoot the Tsar if he were me?”

    Yyeap. Even modern monarchist schitzos get some people into their bullshit by riling them up about it and many don’t wanna hear nothing about there having been no orders from Moscow afterwards.

    There is a reason Soviet textbooks talked about the topic sparingly if at all. It wasn’t something that went as planned or desired at all.

  • "Would you shoot the Romanov’s even if it was me?! " “No sympathy. And yes, I would shoot regardless of personal connections”

    What for though? Where is political pragmatism?

    The amount of memes on the subject I see from western leftists makes me question if there are very few sources available in English or it’s just juvenile cruelty. It was local initiative, strongly influenced by strategic situation during the civil war in the region. Nicolas was “citizen Romanov” by then and the party had a 1001 reason to keep him and his family alive, including plans for a public trial. Lenin was pushing for their evacuation to Moscow. Also…moral implications of killing a couple of teens that were there, anyone? Kill them, because they were born into the wrong family? How very conservative… Not to mention penty of nobles up to and including at least one Major General of the Imperial army I can remember went on to form the core of the Red Army.

    Consider the implications for propaganda too. Why create a bunch of martyrs for the Whites? Using exactly this argument, later that same year Maxim Gorky convinced Lenin let Nicolas’ sick second cousin go. Lo and behold - no one remembers Gavriil Constantinovich Romanov.

  • I mean…you sure didn’t need any sources to update your beliefs to China commiting genocide against Uyghurs, since…there aren’t any in existence.

    Are people you keep bugging supposed to prove that an unsubstantiated claim is unsubstantiated? Sure seems like low effort trolling to me. Especially after this gem. My favourite. The “DPRK is a closed country, so we should believe any old bullshit” “argument”, but about China for a change. Distinct lack of political discussions in your history before this episode points to you living under a bridge too, if you catch my drift…

    Bless comrades’ hearts for writing up all those sheets. Someone actually being curious in good faith will get use out of them.

  • 40k actually got pretty funny to me, as GW are trying to portray Tau as communist, when the closest to communism by a country mile as they’re described are…Craftworld Eldar=) Automated production, near total social mobility, meritocracy, war only waged by necessity… Still dicks to the others, of course, couldn’t have it any other way in 40k.

    I mostly dropped it because GW aren’t even trying to keep the lore consistent. Shitty philosophical and political ideas in fiction just help me separate it from reality.

    When content is both uninteresting and pushing some cringe, that’s…yeah, that just amplifies the cringe damage.