Artist, theatrical performer, roller derby announcer, and former derby skater in the Midwest.

Single, childless, and married to my my freedom and sense of adventure.

  • 31 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Also, I too love Linux, but when I ran a dual-boot for six weeks last summer I had to troubleshoot it almost every single day. Because of that I ended up just going back to Windows and making sure I keep it clean with O&O ShutUp. Some systems just aren’t compatible with Linux and mine is one of them.

    Even when it was working, only approximately half of my games ran on it, so I needed Windows anyway. (Though that may be on me for choosing Mint instead of a more gaming-centric distro.)

    I’m going to go back to Linux when get a new system and can have a gaming-dedicated PC, but for now, I’m stuck with Windows.

  • Also, history textbooks are massively dishonest to you, and it’s a good rule of thumb to read history independent of what you’re taught in schools. There were so many things deliberately withheld from me in my high school education, like the Tulsa Massacre, the Battle of Blair Mountain, Haymarket Square, etc. etc. etc.

    They didn’t even teach you that Columbus was plotting to destroy and rob the native people after their first meeting, and wrote about it in his diary. We’re very fortunate that Bartolome De Las Casas made a copy of Columbus’ diary or we may never have known.