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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • NUFORC Report

    Additional reporting from Denver Gazette.

    Reddit user Lemonator8976 claims to be the witness that reported the sighting and provided some additional details.

    The follow up article explains it, but basically we were working. We were loading semis full of expensive concert equipment and then one guy noticed it and pointed it out. We all looked at it and then one guy shined his flashlight on it. Then the thing tipped, moved slowly to the east and disappeared. By the time we realized what was really happening it was gone. 30 seconds max.

    A big misconception is that this thing was way up in the sky. It wasn’t. It was hovering over the hill not very high off the ground. It was just off the horizon, not way up above our heads. An old boycott trick is to hold your hand up to the horizon to see how many hand lengths you have left before the sun sets. This thing was just two fingers above the horizon.

    Couldn’t see any other features. It was too far away and it was matte black. Like the blackest black you’ve ever seen. The black blended in with the night sky so well, we probably wouldn’t have seen it if it didn’t have its lights on.

    The lights were around the edge rim of the disc. They were evenly spaced apart and you could see them curve around the to backside of the disc.

    I was not wearing my glasses and I have an astigmatism, so I could not make out the windows. All I could see was the disc and the lights going around it. It was my a couple of my coworkers who said they could see the windows. They said it was like a grid that was 3 squares high several dozen squares long all the way around the craft. The thing was a couple blocks long, hence why I described it as a “3 story office building in the sky”. It really was that big.

  • I’ve had some bird of prey around my apartment in Brooklyn that keeps eluding me. I’ll hear it from time to time, but never quite know where it is.

    I caught a glimpse of it once out of the corner of my eye. I saw a blur as something swooped down to snag a pigeon off my window sill. It was courteous enough to return half of the bird to my fire escape. That was fun to dispose of.

    I saw my share of hawks growing up in Florida, but it’s still cool seeing and hearing them around the city.

  • Ryan Graves has started back up his Substack account, starting with his “Reflections” and more recently highlights of his visit to the McMenamins UFO Festvial. For those unfamiliar, Graves testified alongside David Grusch and David Fravor in the 2023 congressional hearing on UAP. He also established Americans for Safe Aerospace to provide a resource for pilots to report sightings and has worked to break the stigma of discussing UAP.

    As for the McMenamins UFO Festival, it sounds like quite the experience. I’m always interested in the psychological and sociological aspects of the phenomenon, so I really hope to be able to attend a UFO festival one day. I would love to hear people’s experiences, beliefs, and what draws them to engage the topic.

  • This article highlights a history of UAP sightings at Pantex Nuclear facility ranging from the 1950s to as recently as 2015. These events help highlight the long history of UAP sightings around nuclear facilities.

    “From the late 1950’s to the mid 1960’s UFO’s were seen over Pantex Ordnance Plant near Amarillo TX. I lived three miles away to the east at the time. During this period there were about 100 sightings, but those of us that remember [sic] don’t talk about it much.

    The Airbase was still open and they would scramble Fighters to intercept. But it was always the same. When the jets closed to 2 miles the object would go up at high speed. The jets would circle a while [sic] then land. Then sometimes it would come back down to its spot.

    This was repeated on many nights. Always the same type of object, that changed colors.”

  • It’s good to hear that they’re still working towards hearings and intend on bringing in new witnesses. The election is bound to shape the discussion this year, so I’m hoping that they can get a hearing established soon before it gets overshadowed.

    I do wish Tim could back the full UAP amendment put forth by Schumer and recently Garcia. He gets fairly defeatist on whether any of these laws will have any impact, which is understandable. But, he puts too much faith in his own amendment which is too short to cover any of the technicalities needed to ensure Congress can actually obtain and review needed records.

    And, there does seem to be a lot of momentum behind the scenes by various groups in Congress to continue passing legislation and keeping the topic in public spotlight. There may be some headbutting along the way, but the overall goal seems to be full disclosure. We’re already on the way, since the National Archive should have UAP documents handed over by October. What power Congress has to review it and ensure that they did in fact receive all relevant records may be dependent on upcoming legislation. Regardless, there should be some more UAP info come to light by years end.