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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • As one of said assholes, the biggest problem I have with Lemmy is that it’s stuck trying to be both the Old Internet in which directness was prized and encouraged no matter how acerbic, and Comfort Internet for nonpartisans.

    When these two crowds mix there’s going to be discomfort.

    And freedom from participation in politics is hiding in privilege to some very real extent, so in some ways I don’t know how to be sympathetic to your plight.

    But all politics is ragebait, isn’t it? I’ve come back to this general feeling that we need more rage, not less.

    The doctrinal conflicts on the Internet are yet to be resolved. We still have the disaffected rightwing types who haven’t really had it sink in yet that they failed and their loser is and was always a loser. We still have moderate idiots who think that ‘both sides’ need to curtail their extremists.

    It’s an irony that one of the Left’s strengths is dogmatism, because I do think there’s dogmatic leftists here that I find insufferable. I didn’t used to dislike male feminists as much as I do now, but let women represent women’s issues.

    In the meanwhile, the leftist dogma of No Platforming Stupid Rightwing Shit needs to be more formidably advanced.

  • This isn’t about their values at all. You keep on mindlessly returning to your algorithm for evaluating candidates assuming that people can make a decision as to whether or not an old person is healthy. But we are living in the aftermath of people failing to make that decision.

    If you don’t believe this, you’ve failed a basic political awareness test. If you don’t believe that Trump was unhealthy for this country and that a vote for him is a vote against our civilization, you’ve failed a basic political intelligence test.

    Your model of how well people make these decisions is flawed, wrong, and irrelevant.

    If what you care about [is] in fact [their] health then their age should be irrelevant.

    This is wrong. Health and age are deeply connected. If you can’t accept that, you’re failing a basic biological intelligence test.

    Hint: There’s nothing about a 28 year old that would make them unfit to be President. But our society has made the decision to set an arbitrary line at 35. There is no reason not to set a corresponding arbitrary line at 65.

  • Risk of them becoming unable to execute the duties of the office is a main factor. It’s ok to discriminate against adults for the qualities of a high risk of developing age-related degenerative disorders over the course of their tenure.

    This isn’t that hard to understand. Your line of reasoning is pointless.

    A bunch of people are living in the delusional reality of an old person and it’s pushing us close to civil war for no good reason beyond boomer mass dementia. You have failed to understand the present crisis, so you fail to comprehend the necessity for this simple preventative measure.

    No more people over 65 in federal politics. Ever.