JamesGoblin [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2020

  • Was in similar situation for roughly ~4 months, what helped most is fixing my sleep (up to 7-8+ hours every night; this takes a bit of education and then some discipline), some quick(~10min) yoga nidra daily (it’s very simple, nothing to learn - this also refreshes & compensates for some missong sleep) and 4-8000 units of vitamin D.

    PS and of course pacing: learning what triggers “bad days” and in general moderating your mental/physical activity = split everything you do in smaller parts, at least halves, this includes meals[!] and even just googling/shitposting.

  • No, it does help with both mood and performance - many tested it and it works, which I can also confirm from years of personal experience; IIRC there are studies confirming it but I CBAed to re-check, simply since it works very well for me. It’s basically rebranded Tumo breathing which is certainly not a scam, and it also helps with, say, cold showers and raises cold tolerance in general (one of basic things Tumo was designed for). IIRC it also raises dopamine, I did reading on it years ago and will check it again. People dying from it were doing it in bodies of water or driving or doing anything stupid that you don’t want to “do” potentially unconscious, since then there are disclaimers about that everywhere including the original WH site.

    Of course I didn’t just “trust” him but did a lot of reading - I was especially interested in what doctors/PhDs/studies have to say, besides testing it myself in many ways. It was years ago and I remember studies on immunity having mixed results and it all being in an early phase, the reason I used “is supposed to” and “for what it’s worth”. Anyway thanks for the links - I will check both carefully!