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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • Look OP I’m going to be blunt. If you want to keep your marriage, you are in for a long and potentially painful journey.

    You will both have to work through breaking the indoctrination of hate caused by bad translations and the bigots who furthered it.

    For example, despite being bi, your wife thinks homosexuality is a sin; however, homosexuality is only a sin to modern Christianity. The line in the bible everyone quotes as evidence of it being a sin is mistranslated. The line “it is a sin for a man to lie with a man” uses two different words for man in the original Hebrew, with that second version of man usually being translated elsewhere as ‘boy’. meaning the phrase was never saying homosexuality was a sin, it was saying pedophilia was a sin.

    I’m hoping for the best for you and your wife, but just be aware it is going to be tough. Coming out is a difficult enough journey when society isn’t accepting, and it is significantly more difficult when your inner circle isn’t 100% on board. Good luck, I’m hoping you can show the world you can keep your faith and your identity. ❤️

  • The real issue is that every single application requires you to provide a CV and cover letter, only to then make you re-enter all of the info from those into their likely terrible hiring software that will force you to sign up. Then the majority ghost you.

    So yeah, while I agree it’s not worth writing a custom cover letter for every job, I’d say CVs are worse. As you are pretty much forced to anyway as you re-enter everything over and over despite providing a copy of your CV.