• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Why not both 🤷

    Biden is the “liberal Zionist” option that is “critical of the extremists like Bibi! But still supports Israel!”

    Trump is the “uh, I have no idea wtf those whacky Jews are doing, and I don’t care. Jared, figure that shit out. I don’t want to hear about it again” insane dumbass that will cause essentially the same result as Biden in the end, but somehow more unhinged (which does seem impossible, but I have all the faith in Trump to be more unhinged).

    Either way, whoever wins, Zionists are winning. Well, I personally think they’re losing (or have lost) long term, but they will be getting a president who will support them without question basically.

  • Yeah, I didn’t really mean they did this fully on purpose, although it reads that way, I just meant like whatever they were doing obviously imploded immediately (maybe the meth serum was off) and the CNN producers/talking heads (and across the DNC broadly) immediately jumped into “replace him!” mode. Now that Biden, his team, and other high up dems have seemingly squashed this easy way out for them, they’ll probably just see if they get a passable second debate and then do what I was saying.

    And just to be clear, I don’t think this was all pre-orchestrated. I think many of these CNN types were delusional and then when they saw his performance totally unedited and live, they said “well, obviously that’s a fucking wrap!” But since they’re such cucks to power when Biden and others said he will remain they just immediately backed down like “oh, sorry, we’re still rooting for Joe!” And next debate, if he does a passable job, will be their reason to say he still has it, they judged too early, etc.

  • Imagine being so annoying while claiming to be the son of god that everyone is eventually like “ok, can we fucking crucify this guy already?” then the motherfucker (literally, god fucked mary, and Jesus is god… 🤨) has the audacity to be like “it’s ok, my friends. I will die for your sins!” That would be enough for me to be the guy begging the Roman soldiers to stab him in the liver or something to cause additional pain.

  • I also self-deluded myself into believing Cato was the not the inspiration for that name…

    Wasn’t Cato the insanely misogynistic dumb fuck (even by Roman standards) that would always whine about women existing and then demand Carthage be destroyed (eventually, famously, this happened)

    Guy was a total shitter and asshole. A legendary one that is remembered thousands of years later for his insane rants.

  • Obama is basically Jesus to liberals. If he would have said fuck the POTUS term limits amendment and just ran anyway we may well be voting him in for his 5th term… he’s incredibly popular despite doing essentially nothing of value. His Iran negotiations got undermined by Trump literally day one. The ACA (Obamacare) was always dogshit, and has only been further made into dogshit by the courts with zero meaningful pushback from Biden ie telling the courts to suck him which he should always be doing for good stuff… but only does for bad stuff. Like sending bombs and then ignoring all the human rights organizations reporting massive violations constantly.

    But anyway, yeah, politicians like Biden run on how many dollars they can raise when campaigning. Biden does ok on that front, obviously Zionists will be dumping money on him, but Barrack and Michelle can raise so fucking much cash and they collectively hold a special almost Hollywood level of celebrity in the eyes of liberals. I wouldn’t say his word is the word of god necessarily, but he holds incredible sway (along with Bill Clinton somefuckinghow) as far as being like a false promise of turning back the clock to 2008… god, what Americans would give to just turn back the clock. Vote Biden ™️ Hey, Obama is a guy! Pretend it’s 2008. Everything is fine.

  • I suspect next debate (if there is one…) they will actually give Biden his speedball that the dems seem so keen on denying that he receives (the latest SOTU speech is an obvious example but there’s many others), his performance will be passable, he’ll actually vomit out the liberal word salad talking points in a way that can be parsed out with 2 second sound bites, Trump will still be unhinged, and the smarmiest dipshits will say “wow, how did we ever doubt this beautiful 1000 y/o fossil?” They’ve already set everything up for to happen, I sort of suspected they were doing it when the CNN hosts were nearly in tears, but the Mourning Joe bit where Mika (sp?) was nearly crying over poor old joe! cemented it for me.

    I hope I’m wrong…

  • I live in an “important” swing state. PA. Seems to end up deciding most of the elections for the last couple decades.

    Joe Brandon hasn’t “earned” my vote. And honestly until Oct last year, sure, I probably would have “lesser evil” waddled my ass over and pushed the button for him. But when he came out on Oct 8 and lied about beheaded babies (a lie which was literally known FROM THE JUMP to be a lie) and promised to support Israel in anything to come, well the chances of me voting for his geriatric genocidal ass dropped to zero within about a week.

    I’m obviously not justifying any of this stuff, but let’s say he let the IOF bomb totally confirmed and proven (publicly released intelligence afterward to prove it) militant sites for a week. Then said “ok, you killed all the guys who broke in, you destroyed a bunch of their shit, you’re done. Give them all the people you have detained and get back all the Israelis who were taken on Oct 7.” Again, not saying this would be justice. But I think this basic scenario is what the world broadly expected. A totally disproportionate retaliation, thousands murdered, then resolve things back to the status quo as it existed Oct 6. Again, I think this would’ve been bad. But we wouldn’t have a genocide and STILL this ongoing ethnic cleansing and mass starvation. I could plausibly say “Joe allowed all this, but Trump would’ve just done the whole thing.” But obviously we don’t even live in the lesser evil world…

    And it’s not like I’m a single issue “fuck you Biden” guy. Supporting the genocide was just the absolute last straw on a camel that had come into existence with a broken back.

    Other shit Biden has done which is just explicitly moronic outside of Israel support:

    • Ukraine support (worse: forcing the war to continue)
    • instigating war with China literally constantly mostly around pushing a false narrative of Xi invading Taiwan
    • domestically, never ending Trump’s deportation practices as he promised. Proposing a third reich style bill eventually instead of explaining the entire issue is made up by the right wing
    • hasn’t done anything of significance to expand full medical coverage to everyone, hasn’t forgiven all student debt or even the piddling amount he promised (self-cucking to SCOTUS who has no enforcement powers)
    • not expanding SCOTUS to dilute the insane right wingers
    • not openly pushing for removal of the multiple openly super corrupt SCOTUS justices
    • not pushing for DC/PR to become states thus securing 4 democratic senate seats and some house seats basically forever (diluting the senate’s power and SCOTUS are basically the only “reforms” capable of causing significant positive change. Neither institution should exist)
    • the list goes on.

    Biden didn’t promise most of that, in fairness to him, but also that’s exactly why he was dogshit and Bernie, who was already the compromise candidate, was the only acceptable candidate in 2016/2020. (Obviously his stance on Israel is… bad.)

    I didn’t vote in 2016 after Bernie got fucked because fuck Hillary. She’s a warmonger and she can and will rot in hell. I will never vote for her, gun to my head. And I won’t be voting for Biden nor his replacement if there is one. Not because Trump is better, no, domestically he’s gonna be more of the same mostly but in some specific areas it will absolutely be far worse. And the fault for that lies on, well, obviously the Republicans but also the dems who have enabled him and still continue enabling him by actions such as still supporting an animated corpse named Joe Biden. If they were serious about not having Trump elected they wouldn’t be supporting Israel during an obvious genocide and they’d have done things to those IN POWER who enabled Trump last time. They didn’t do shit. They locked up some hogs that broke into the capitol building, ok, but Trump isn’t in jail nor does it seem he will be going. Bannon got caught on the self-caused refusal to testify- he should’ve been rotting already. Same for Roger Stone, Stephen Miller, Jared, Trump’s sons, etc. No one in power in the Democratic Party has demonstrated to me that they believe even 1% of their bullshit… so why should I?

    Voting for Biden won’t make things better. Not voting for him won’t make things better either. Nothing is gonna get better purely through these two parties and elections. Real power and any good change will emerge from normal people, probably through good union leaders that pursue politics. That’s the best case scenario anyway, because the realistic scenario for the US specifically… well… I’ll spare everyone that doom reading.

    But yeah, liberals can suck my ass. Not voting for genocide Joe. He was already 98% shit on Oct 6… then he went and did a genocide. Fuck him

  • Uhhhhh… hey Biden

    Heh heh heh heh… what?

    Uhhhhhhh… Hunter’s in jail

    Heh heh hey screw you heh heh not funny!

    Uhhhhhhhh yeah, it is

    Heh heh shut up Trump

    Huuh huuh hey Biden huuh huuh you had sex huuhuuh Hunter is your son huuhuuhuuh

    Heh heh yeah! Heh heh heh SEX heh heh heh SEX SEX SEX SEX hehhehhehhehheh

  • Slightly related, the other day I was outside when a group of four helicopters flew over, likely doing some sort of money-wasting bullshit training for the somewhat nearby national guard base. Happens frequently. They’re so goddamn fucking loud though that I stopped what I was doing and just sat there staring up with my head bent all the way back. While I was staring, just kinda thinking like “wow… look at this shit humans do…” my brain slipped over into “the sunken place” or whatever of thoughts. Probably brought on from 9 months of straight horror we’ve all been seeing from Gaza. I see the helis, hear their sounds, and it’s not far to “what if these were trying to kill me… or just kill all people outdoors in my neighborhood including me.” Shit made me do one of those shakes like when you get a chill to break myself out of that image that was forming in my mind of the US army choppers just flying over US cities and leveling everything and everyone in their paths… seems less far fetched by the day

  • Bowman’s district was also just redistricted bringing in a ton of new wealthier, more likely to vote constituents which, just my assumption, was the actual thing that caused him to lose. AIPAC’s money obviously didn’t help. And it’s basically no secret that they went balls to the wall on this guy who was already in a precarious primary (due to redistricting which was probably done specifically to NOT have a more left voice there ever again- Bowman or not) to flex their financial backing, get a nearly-guaranteed “win”, and make everyone else think twice about even slightly standing against Israel support

  • It’s actually (hilariously) up to more than just Genocide Joey.

    That’s right, Jack. She didn’t just fall out of a coconut tree yesterday!

    Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

    Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

    So the wording is super long winded (holy fuck this is why lawyers shouldn’t exist or be in power) but it seems per the 25th amendment Kamala could, with agreement from Biden’s cabinet, assume the presidency. If Joe doesn’t contest it, she would just stay. If Joe did contest it, it would go to congress to decide if the president (Joe) is actually fit to be president. The wording also seems to indicate the acting-president, formerly the VP, would remain acting-president during the decision time allowed to congress.

    It would require 2/3 majority vote in both houses to finalize the ousting if it came to that- which would be interesting to see because it’s almost like a legalized coup at that point. If you assume all the Rs just want chaos and to vote against Biden (not a safe assumption, but just assuming for now) it would need like 50 or something dems in the house and like 16 or 17 (too lazy to look up the actual numbers each party holds right now) dems in the senate to vote to kick him/keep Kamala. If republicans decide to gum shit up because they would rather Trump face Biden, not Kamala, they could just fuck the whole “coup” and cause a tiny meltdown in doing so because then it’s just “dictator Joe” (Trump owes me if he uses this) desperately clinging to power when his VP and cabinet said he needs to go.

    God I hope this happens purely for entertainment and chaos value.