• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Purposefully constructing my life and orientating my actions in a way that resists the emergent inclination of our modern society to add complexity to life without compelling benefit. Simply put, seeking happiness through simplification.This can look different for everyone. For me personally this means closeness to nature, friendship and conversation, minimizing my financial obligations which minimizes my need to work, limiting screen time and unhelpful technology, striving to be present and appreciative, slowing down and enjoying stillness, caring for what I have, releasing myself from pressure to be someone else’s “better” while remaining ambitious toward exploring my passions. These are just a few aspects that come to mind.

  • I was following Light Phone for a long time but ended up not pulling the trigger. For me the hard thing to reconcile was whether ditching my smartphone would really make my life simpler or not. I really value having a good camera in my pocket to catch special moments instead of having to plan to take a camera with me. GPS maps means I don’t have to think about getting where I need to go. Having apps for banking, utilities, etc. Helps me take care of things on the fly and not have to spend time sitting at a computer sorting my affairs.

    But smartphones have that temptation to mindlessly scroll reddit, watch YouTube, and Google things you don’t really need to. Sometimes having to use our restraint can be draining, so having a detox is definitely worth it. I’m happy for anyone who’s found what works for them to simplify their life and be more present and happy.

    I say one thing about smartphones though, they’re getting to daggum big!!! I wish I could get a thin smartphone with edge to edge 4.5 inch screen. Small in my pocket, not big enough to entice over using, but capable for doing what I need. Someone make it!!! Best ive seen is the iPhone mini 13. Might upgrade to that when my pixel 4a dies.