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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • My wife and I saw the early screening last night in IMAX. The visuals live up to the hype, but honestly we were both very disappointed with… everything else. The story was as generic as it seemed in the trailers, and it goes on way longer than it should. The acting was fine, I guess. The actors put in work, they just didn’t have anything good to work with.

    Everything that happens simply happens to serve the plot, not the characters. No one ever acts like a normal person, they are all just rote movie characters like it’s paint-by-numbers. And the editing is atrocious. There’s a lot of off-screen exposition, like they had to fill in story gaps. Similarly, scenes will just kinda end. Characters get into a predicament that seems impossible to escape? Cut away! Explain what happened? Nah, just keep moving cause we’ve got plot points we have to hit, and fast cause the audience certainly already knows where this is all heading anyway.

    I love supporting original sci-fi in theaters, but this is just an unoriginal, bad movie imo.

  • Btw, meetings are work. If you spend a lot of time in meetings that does count as actual work.

    This is so important. I know so many people that complain about people being “in meetings all day instead of working” or manager expectations are to be doing a bunch of stuff, but your calendar is absolutely packed with dumb meetings. Meetings are work, so if other work needs to be done then I need to be allowed to take that time.

    And no, multitasking isn’t real. If I’m doing other stuff during the meeting then I’m not actually paying full attention to either the meeting or the other work.

  • Konman72@lemmy.worldtoRisa*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Been in IT for over 15 years and this was exactly what I was thinking too. But the top is how I felt 10-15 years ago. Now, after years of dealing with the dumbest users and the craziest decisions from tech companies, I’m more Shaw than Picard.

  • I joined a hotel company a couple of years ago where they offered stock options, which is good and I appreciated it. But there were a lot of people that had worked there for decades just because they felt invested in the company. Meanwhile, working conditions were absolutely awful and the culture was the worst I’ve ever experienced. And I kept thinking how crazy it must have been during COVID as the stock tanked and everyone was staring down the barrel of layoffs. Like, if your employer is your entire retirement plan then you could be in huge trouble all at once.

  • Exactly. And it’s driving me crazy how many mods are caving. Like, I get that you care about the community and want it to continue on, but will it even be the same now that you know how little control you actually have? Will it survive the next insane, profit driven decision Reddit makes and refuses to negotiate on? Just rip the band-aid off now like /r/interestingasfuck and others did and let them remove you. We’ve seen that they can’t actually replace what was lost, so let them try.