LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]

  • 17 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2021


  • This week I have decided look into developing systems. I have seen a lot of productivity hustle-grind bros talk about developing systems to build habits and they aren’t 100% wrong. For the most of the year I have just been kinda freestylin’ without any real structure. Which is fine, but my goals and ambitions have grown quite a lot these last seven months so I think going forward I’m going to build a non-hustlegrind system that helps activate myself and actualize (that sounds so goddamn corny) towards the stuff I want to do. It’s going to take time, probably several different iterations but I think I need to develop a system/schedule to get myself where I want to go.

    The O.R.C. System would be

    Observe - Observe what I’m doing, good or bad, productive or leisure

    Record - Write it down in my journal and planner

    Change - Change what I’m doing so I can obverse and record different things in the future

    The first was “buy” a planner, mostly because I needed something with a calendar. Something I can physically write in and see time progress. I already journal but I don’t really do it regularly so using a planner to just plan my days at the start and chronicling them in my journal at the end of the day is my first step in my building my system.

    I’ll build and expand into the future, but I think keeping it as low-tech as possible and use the systems that have worked in the past is probably the best move. Computers and digital stuff is nice, but dudes throughout all of history have used pen and pad to improve themselves so I’ll try to do the same.

    I don’t really proclaim my big bad goals anymore, I think it’s best for me just work today them and report on milestones or worthwhile updates. So I’m just going to keep my head down and focus on the process, and learn to love it (again sounds like corny dudebro hustlegrind nonesense but it’s true)

  • Do you want to share something you've done in the previous week? Everything counts, nothing is too small.
    	I read 8 hours this week. Very happy with that.
    Do you have any plans or goals for next week?
    	Game Development and start looking for a new job
    Do you have any streaks? For example, "sober for one day." Feel free to post your streak every day in this thread.
    	No yet, just thugging it out at the moment
    If you don't have a continuous streak, did you manage to abstain from something for a day or more?
    	I'm staying away from sugar, I really want to get shredded by this time next year
    Did you come across some useful information or resource that might help others?
    	Nothing insightful, I just want all the comrades and homies to reach their goals

  • That’s the thing that always rustles my jimmies. Whenever the lowly ghouls of the media class or economists say “The economy is strong, we even have data to show it. The Kings, Lords, and Barons are wealthy why don’t the surfs, slaves, and peasants say otherwise?”, I got in to a rage. When you talk about averages and means in a society built on vast inequality, it’s really easy for the numbers to skew upward. It’s just really disgusting that media try to whitewash the average person’s downward trajectory.

  • Especially when you are a dude, we aren’t taught how to have good friendships

    I have been thinking about this a lot, particularly during the heights of COVID, but fellas aren’t good at being good friends. We can certainly be good friends but I often feel like give each other too much space cause we all sort of figure “if something was up he’d talk to me”. Which is often true, but you shouldn’t need a reason to talk to your boyz, their your boyz. You like them and they like you so talk to them.

  • This generally lines up with capitalist profit-seeking making everything worse, more vapid and bland. I agree with him largely. Mainstream shit is dumber and dumber.

    Agreed. It’s really a bummer that “The Arts” (movies specifically) are so totally captured by MEGACORPS and Capital Vampires. I love supporting independent arts (again specifically movies), but it’s an ceaseless uphill battle for anyone those people to make it and even harder to get in front of people. Even if the people would like it, it’s just so damn difficult to get your art in front of people if you’re operating outside of the ever encroach domain of the modern Robber Barons.

    The whole game is fucked up, and it’s fucked up because Hollywood (and of course Capitalism at large) made it that way. Art under capital sucks so much.

  • This week was pretty good. I had a pretty good. Keeping my room clean, keeping my diet on point, and staying active.

    I’m FINALLY reading “The Autobiography of Malcolm X”, it’s been on my “I’m a black dude and a leftist so I should read black leftist dude books” list forever. Trying to get more “theory” in my brain as well just reading more and listening to podcasts less. I’m trying to just read the books that shows, podcasts, and YouTube channels talk about rather than just hearing their sparknotes.

    I also made sure to call some of my homies. Just to say what’s up, tap in with them, make sure they are all good (even if they aren’t).

    I have very far to get to I do feel a building of forward momentum, I like that feeling.