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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • ID interceptor missiles are more like $50k-150k a piece, but multiple are fired during each interception to increase chances of a successful hit. The amount fired already since the 7th is still probably in the $1-2 billion range if you estimate conservatively.

    Iron Knife and Iron Beam are much cheaper per shot (~$4 and $2500 respectively) but are developed by Israel itself in collaboration with US military industrial contractors. The Gaza war is a giant live fire test for them and countries including the US and India are lining up to buy them.

    Iron Dome as a whole thing array also includes David’s Sling and the Arrows which cover different type of attacks. I. E. Cruise and ballistic missiles amongst other things.

  • The thing a lot of people miss is that the whole suicidal spiteful blaze of glory is a regional thing. Not a Muslim thing.

    Read up on the Siege of Masada, it’s an important local story.

    It was more apparent when there were a bunch of paramilitaries before they crystallized into Israel.

    Israel also regularly assassinates summarily people in foreign countries who kill it’s citizens. Look up the Munich Olympics in the 1970s. https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4509923,00.html side note this motherfucker was one of the most pro peace politicians to head up the government in the modern era after Rabin.

    Also the capability thing is that the Israeli population is tiny compared to its neighbors. It whoops ass historically, everyone having training and a cause to fight for does that, but the threat is always there of just storming the country with bodies.

    Ukraine gave up their nukes in what is going down in history as one of the stupidest decisions a government has ever made.

  • If Israel falls the entire region gets glassed by nukes. They are suspected to have nearly as many as China. They are a world leader in missile tech. They won’t miss.

    It’s called the Samson Plan. Russia has a similar doctrine, as probably does most nuclear powers.

    Defending them via aid which, in the current war, is $1-2 billion dollars in defensive interceptor missiles already, is a good investment. Biden literally said it was the best investment America makes during his speech a little while ago. He’s said that before in the 90s if I recall correctly, back when he was the senate foreign relations guy.

    Israel is also a giant weapons rnd and live fire experiment for the US military industrial complex. They aren’t giving it up. Israel is the first country to deploy laser weaponry in their defense (light knife), and in this war is live testing the state of the art Iron Beam (Light Shield).

    This is the real Politik people miss when discussing Israel and Palestine ignorant of most of the historical context.

    The entire region has tried to delete Israel before. The state isn’t going anywhere without taking everyone else with them.

  • Says the westerner to a Palestinian.

    It’s a lot more than just smuggling in food.

    Right now there’s videos being shared on Arabic news of Hamas gunning down their own people in the Evac corridor. The IDF is trying to clear the actual genocidal religious nut jobs out under fire. To save civilian lives.

    Do I need to also remind you Hamas uses child soldiers? That half the dead kids in the 2019 protests were indoctrinated and martyring themselves?

    That their fucking leaders called for my brother and sister’s blood to flow?

    The IDF has been restrained and you are all blind. You don’t live there. You never will. Go read about the bombings of Germany and Japan and come back to me.

  • Reposting.

    Israel doesn’t operate the Egypt side and Egypt wants to not be an active participant beyond maintaining the crossing. They especially don’t want to run a PoW camp.

    Working with the IDF directly to transfer prisoners to them would probably start shit in Egypt Sisi doesn’t want to start as it would be seen as entering the war I guess. Iran backed Houthi rebels in Yemen are already doing War Crimes on Egyptian hospitals for their current stance.

    Also allowing a war crime (using ambulances to transport fighters and/or arms) and defending it like this emboldens them to continue doing it to the detriment of civilians since they won’t face consequences.