LargePenis [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2021

  • Ukraine map is moving fast again. We’ve had a major Russian breakthrough in the 2014 line near New York (lol) and Toretsk. The Russians have also opened a third Kharkov front in the north and a limited incursion into Sumy border villages has also been reported. The entire microdistrict in Chasov Yar has been captured and the Avdiivka front keeps moving further and further every day with Ukrainians slowly getting pushed back to the Vovcha River. It looks like the summer objectives for Russia this year will be cutting the Pokrovsk-Konstantinvka highway, surrounding Vuhledar (my most hated town in Ukraine tbh), capturing the rest of Krasnogorovka, reducing the Siversk salient, capturing the rest of the LPR villages, and finally working on that Toretsk-New York urban area by crossing the canal near Chasov Yar. Looking forward to learning new village names and learning about Soviet industrial achievements that seem to exist in every Soviet town.

  • لا اعطي أهمية كبيرة للصراع في تشينجيانج. اولا بسبب بعد المنطقة عن المركز الإسلامي المهم وثانيا بسبب ارتباط الحركة اصلا بمشروع خاسر وزائل. الحركات المتطرفة الايغورية اغلبها مرتبطة بمشروع الحزب الإسلامي التركستاني الناشط في سوريا وتحديدا في مدينة جسر الشغور في إدلب. نشاط هذا الحزب ضعف مؤخرا بسبب فقدان الدعم الحقيقي من امريكا وحلفائهم في الخليج. ايديولوجية هذه الحركة خسرت تأثيرها بعد ابتعاد تقريبا كل الدول الإسلامية ما عدا أفغانستان عن اكتساب الشرعية عبر الإسلام، حتى السعودية صارت تتصرف كمملكة شبه علمانية مهتمة بالتنمية اكثر من الشرع ونشر الدين المتشدد. التحركات في الصين كذلك تأثيرها شبه معدوم على العقل الجمعي الإسلامي بسبب المسافة وقلة التأثير الثقافي من مسلمي الصين. لذلك لا يوجد أي استثمار عاطفي من المسلمين العرب مثلا في شؤون الايغور رغم محاولات البروباجاندا الأمريكية مؤخرا. حتى الحركات الجهادية الإسلامية الأفريقية تعاني من نفس المشكلة، لديهم تحركات اهم بكثير من تحركات الايغور، لكن مافي اي اهتمام او أهمية كبرى للموضوع

  • كل ما يحدث نتاج الضغط الثقافي والديني من الإمارات والسعودية والنظام المصري. هدفهم اسلام جديد مخصي وديوث للمصالح الصهيونية والأمريكية وخالي من كل شي يخص الأفكار الثورية والقتالية. المشكلة الكبرى انهن نجحوا بتحقيق اهدافهم. الاخوان رغم سيئاتهم انرموا في سجون السيسي والحركات الثورية سابقا في لبنان وحتى شمال أفريقيا صارو لبراليين خاضعين للسلطة والهيمنة الأمريكية. فكرة الأمة اذا كانت عروبية او اسلامية خلاص انتهت بجهود الإمارات والسعودية. كسم العرب والمسلمين

  • Iraq = strong desire in most people to not get heavily involved, as the country has gone through enough shit. Shia miltias will inevitable be drawn into the conflict though, especially if Lebanon kicks off.

    Syria = rock bottom already, so people aren’t too against getting involved if there’s a wider regional conflict. Strong sympathy in government-controlled areas. Disinterest in Rojava. Split in Idlib between principled jihadists who want to fight Israel, and realpolitik jihadists who want to team up with Israel to hurt Assad. Golan front could be interesting if Iraqi militias and Hezbollah enter through there.

    Lebanon = shias want to all get martyred, sunnis have the same principled vs realpolitik split as in Syria, christians are kinda split also but mostly anti-involvement. Some traitors actively support Israel due to rabid liberal brainworms

  • Are we back? Yes we’re

    Gigachad Chad Neutral Beta (Fe)Male Virgin Cuck
    Prigozhin (gotta remember him fondly on the 1 year anniversary of his rebellion) Putin (lil downgrade for uncle Vlad despite the North Korea visit, he’s allowing too many security Ls in Russia these days) Zelensky (just hanging around surviving, respect) FPV drone operators (heartless freaks) TCC (accelerating the population collapse by rounding up every 23 year old car mechanic)
    Hamas, PIJ, Qassam, PFLP and all resistance groups in Gaza (Allah’s bravest soliders) Hezbollah (accelerating the collapse of pissrael by pounding their north) My soon to be born son (I hope he doesn’t rebel and become a cuck) Ukraine peace summit attempts (so funny that the try to make a peace agreement while speaking ONLY to the losing side) UAE (such a deranged nation, hate them as much as the US and Israel)
    The people of Gaza (bravest people ever) Houthis (defeated the great satan in a naval war and still shooting Israel ships like true chads) Euro 2024 (great football, but seeing European circlejerk about European greatness makes me seeth) Western journalists (thank you for proving that this is the least honorable profession) Sunni islamists (unironically supporting Israel against Hezbollah because of muh Ahlul Sunnah)
    Yahya Sinwar (still undefeated) Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah (always speaking from a position of strength, showing the “peaceful protest” cucks how it’s done) Fidias (random Cypriot youtuber who won an EU parliament seat, this is how much respect the EU parliament deserves) Emmanuel Macron (very happy that he has initiated the collapse of the cuck European centre-right) Netanyahu (eat shit cuck)

  • The guy that Biden sent to “mediate” in Lebanon, Amos Hochstein, was born in Israel and literally served in the IDF lmao.

    Not getting good feelings about at all about this Lebanon war talk, it has never felt this close honestly. Spoke with family in Beirut today and it just feels inevitable at this point. At same time there’s like a disgusting voice inside of me that almost wants a war, my brain knows how horrible it will be for my country and its people, but the pure anger and hatred makes me blind and I just need to see Israel suffering. I believe in Hezbollah and Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, literally everything that has happened in the last 18 years has been building towards this decisive moment. I hate how conflicted this all makes me feel, Nasrallah’s speech today was the closest I’ve felt to the point of no return since the blessed October 7th