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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 8th, 2022


  • It’s pretty hilarious how nearly everything you listed as if they’re contradictory points actually come together rather comprehensively to support the thesis that Russia is having to fight a belligerent NATO. And the one item that doesn’t fit wasn’t ever claimed by Russia to be a reason for the conflict.

    I seem to have lost track of why he’s invading.

    I don’t know what anyone can do for you to cure your confusion when you can’t even connect the dots between the very things you are linking.

  • Yes, rightwing idiots and ignorant liberals who infest the lemmy platform (but by no means are the entirety of the platform thank goodness) do indeed erect a strawman-boogeyman to wallop on because they can never seem to actually refute the points that leftists make, only sputter a “yeah, well you’re mean and rude and and and… childish!”.

    Since hexbear is the largest and most vocal leftist instance, it of course embodies that strawman for them. A great scarecrow that rightoids can point to and whine about how whiny they are so that those rightoids can then feel correct and vindicated.

    Hexbear has a lot of issues and for sure a few problematic users. It doesn’t help when one of them is childish, like the one they keep banning and then unbanning lol. Rightwing and liberal fools can point to those few exceptions and say “see we were right!” Ignoring the fact that most of the hexbear instance isn’t just intellectually mature, but has a much deeper understanding of history than most other lemmy instances/users, is just a way for the actual immature and politically illiterate lemmy users to not have to challenge their beliefs or question the status quo they benefit from.

    In other words, the people who say “hexbear is immature!” need to grow the fuck up.